17-year-old Cody “Clix” Conrod is a Fortnite pro and one of the main streamers of the online shooter on Twitch. In a July 21 stream, he met highly controversial kickboxer Andrew Tate, 35, who is known for his misogynist views. Clix wanted to use Tate as a “wingman,” someone to help him land with a woman – but it went horribly wrong.
Who is Clix?
Fortnite is known for its large, dynamic events:
Fortnite: The time a black hole swallowed you all
Clix proudly declares that he lost his “e-virginity”.
This was Clix’s plan: One does not really know how he imagined it all, but Clix invited the kickboxer Andrew Tate (35) for a “conversation” on Twitch.
Tate is a highly controversial figure known for making misogynist statements. There are also allegations that he is involved in human trafficking, but Tate denies them. There was only one jealous friend who got nervous because his girlfriend disappeared at the Tate brothers’ house, he explained (via thetab).
Clix advertised the talk as a big event.
Misogynist teaser is said to give 17-year-old tips on how to land with women
Clix apparently wanted Tate’s advice on how to land a woman he cares about. Clix had also invited a friend of the same age and found himself clearly superior to his colleague, BuckeFPS:
I’m richer, I’m stronger and I’ve had more wives than him… – well, e-wives I must say.
When teased by his rival about what a wimp he is, the 17-year-old admitted that while he’s never really been with a woman, he’s already lost his “e-virginity”.
Tate can’t do anything with “e-virginity”: There’s no such thing, he tells the boy.
But Clix explains to the man twice his age: That might exist in the world of kickboxing, but it already does in “your” world. E-sex is like real sex, with kisses and such, just over the internet.
Tate obviously has nothing to do with it. Asked whether men and women can only be friends, Tate replies:
Men and women who are just friends – that’s a bunch of worms who are too scared to tell each other they want to sleep together and who are in the friend zone.
Andrew Tate
In a situation like this, men are the stupid ones who are taken advantage of, Tate explains confidently. Because the women would know that the man likes them, but bask in the attention. Nothing like that would exist in his world.
Fortnite: 12-year-old “Romeo” plays live with streamer, runs terribly
Tate hits on Clix’s underage girlfriend – he freaks out
Then what went wrong? Armed with so much wisdom, Clix looked forward to a visit from a friend of his own age who he said makes his heart race. He had probably imagined that super macho Tate would act as a wingman and give him tips on how to land with the woman.
That seemed to work too. Tate had the valuable tip: “Look at the way she smiles at you. Lean over and kiss her.”
But when Clix then panicked and the young woman just gave him an irritated look, Tate became too stupid.
He now turned to Clix’s girlfriend: Tate was dissatisfied with his student Clix, who had not listened to him. He told Clix to kiss her “like a man”. After all, she is a “beautiful young lady” who deserves a decent kiss. Maybe he should fly to Clix and slap him in the face.
But then the tone quickly changed. Now Tate said to the young woman: “If you’re 18 and you want to get a real man, then I know someone.” He didn’t want to elaborate on who exactly he meant – but Clix saw the “right man” completely clearly a hint that Tate meant himself.
Clix, feeling betrayed by his ‘wingman’, launched into a tirade at a smiling Tate for thinking of hitting his underage girlfriend like that. That’s just weird.
Reality TV on Twitch for the Fortnite Generation
This is behind it: It looks like a “reality show” in which the roles are clearly divided: the young, naive hero, his competitor of the same age, the experienced man.
But the roles seem somehow perverted. The role of the young woman, who is present during the conversation but somehow serves as prey to be hunted down, is particularly strange.
It is downright bizarre that the “Fortnite” generation is presented with Andrew Tate as a model for masculinity, who stands as a symbol for “toxic masculinity”.
One also wonders what kind of tips Clix was expecting when he invited the guy over. The campaign definitely brought him content for his social media channels.
After meeting Tate, Clix proudly tweeted that he had lost his virginity – only to discover, horrified, that the woman had already cheated on him.
So the drama for Generation Fortnite continues.
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