17-year-old charged with murder in Tullinge and Västberga

A father of a small child was shot dead in the middle of the night in Västberga – the mother and a small child were injured.
The following night, two women were shot to death in a villa in Tullinge.
Two boys, a girl and a man are now being charged.

The first crime occurred just before 01:00 on October 12 last year. A 40-year-old man died in the shooting and the mother of the family was seriously injured. In her arms she had her child under the age of five, who was also injured. Another child was in the villa in Västberga.

A little over a day later, just after 01:00 on October 13, a fire broke out in a villa in Tullinge. Two women, in their 20s and 60s, died. Another woman and three children were in the house and, according to the prosecutor, were subjected to attempted murder but escaped without physical injuries.

On Monday, a 17-year-old boy, who was 16 at the time of the events, was charged with murder in three cases, three attempted murders in Västberga and four attempted murders in Tullinge.

Acquired a “printer’s flat”

A 15-year-old boy was charged with inciting the three murders and inciting the seven attempted murders.

– The shooter was arrested in a taxi on the way from the crime scene in Tullinge. He had the murder weapon with him in the car. The 15-year-old boy is the one who hired the shooter and also acquired the weapon that was used in the shootings. The 15-year-old has also provided a so-called printer’s apartment, a hiding place during the time that the shooter would carry out these missions, says senior prosecutor Helena Nordstrand, who is the head of the preliminary investigation.

Helpers ordered taxis

In addition, a 16-year-old girl and a 22-year-old man were charged with aiding and abetting the murders and attempted murders. According to the suspects, the girl must have collected and transported the murder weapon to the apartment. She was in the home with the accused instigator and received the shooter.

– The 22-year-old is also charged with aiding and abetting these acts. He has made payments for taxi journeys to and from the crime scenes and also authorized the payments with his Bank ID. The two boys and the girl are also charged with aggravated weapons offences. There is footage from cell phone discharges showing the three handling the weapon. These acts are connected to a criminal network, says Helena Nordstrand.
