Massive protests in Serbia- Sweden shows support
160,000 demonstrates in Berlin
The demonstration in Berlin. Photo: Sebastian Christoph Gollnow / AP
160,000 demonstrates in Berlin
Huge demonstrations against the Extreme Right Party Alternative for Germany and Conservative CDU is going on around Berlin.
160,000 people have taken the streets to protest against a proposal for stricter asylum legislation, reports TT.
Germany goes to election on February 23. The latest measurements show that CDU is in the front seat.
SAS flights return to Arlanda: “Unknown smell”
SAS flights return to Arlanda: “Unknown smell”
A SAS flight has turned back after discovering “unknown smell on board” ·
157 people are on board.
– I can’t answer what kind of smell. It turned back and landed. It dachts towards the street now escorted by the rescue service, says air rescue leader Jonas Brunosson.
The passengers have left the plane and are now waiting for a new departure time.
EU’s response to Trump: “Back vigorously”
EU’s response to Trump: “Back vigorously”
Donald Trump has threatened the EU with customs duties after treating the United States “very poorly”.
Now the EU responds and promised to “strike back vigorously” if Trump raises the fees on import goods, says a spokesman for the European Commission.
Following the departure requirement – the youth leader ends
Following the departure requirement – the youth leader ends
The Center Party’s Youth Association’s chairman resigns.
This is what Caroline von Seth writes in a post on Facebook.
“I, and many with me, are convinced that the Center Party is out on the wrong path”.
The message comes after Caroline von Seth since last fall demanded C leader Muharrem Demirok’s departure.
“To me it is obvious. If you do not believe in the direction of your party, you should not represent it either. Therefore, it was easy to prioritize saying the uncomfortable, instead of being quiet and anonymous,” writes von Seth.
Alarm about explosion at IKEA – was firecrackers
Alarm about explosion at IKEA – was firecrackers
The rescue service has been alerted to an explosion at Ikea in Kållered.
– We have received an alarm that a person heard a high bang and felt any smoke smell in a parking garage, says Martin Olofsson at SOS Alarm.
On site, the rescue service finds that what has been a firecracker.
“No person has been injured, and there has been no impact on a car or property,” says the rescue service’s alarm operator Daniel Svensmark.
The rescue service leaves the scene without further action.
Man critically injured after accident on bathhouses
Man critically injured after accident on bathhouses
On Saturday, a man was seriously injured in an accident at the Aquarena bathhouse in Holmsund.
Now Region Västerbotten states that the man is critically injured.
The man, who is in his 40s, was injured in connection with his attraction at the bathhouse.
“One person has traveled the Space Bowl attraction and then ended up at the bottom for some reason,” Åsa Säfsten Bomam, Head of Operations for Bath in Umeå, told Västerbottens-Kuriren on Saturday.
Protest against new law on fake news
Protest against new law on fake news
A recently introduced law in Pakistan, intended to regulate content on social media, has raised sharp criticism from journalist organizations and human rights activists. Critics believe that the law threatens freedom of the press and therefore called for nationwide protests next week, reports Reuters.
The police cannot decide what is false news, Pakistan’s Federal Journalist Association chairman Afzal Butt told Reuters.
The protests took off already last Saturday in the city of Peshawar.
Burglary in garbage room in pigbacka
Burglary in garbage room in pigbacka
Police have gone to Grisbacka outside Umeå after being alerted about a suspected ongoing burglary in a garbage room.
A man is arrested at the site, suspected of theft.
Israel: Air attack in Gaza
Israel: Air attack in Gaza
Israel has implemented a new air attack against Gaza, despite the ceasefire, Reuters reports.
According to the IDF, a car north of Gaza has been attacked that has behaved on a walkway.
Four people were in the car, but none of them must have died.
Israel claims that the car’s journey broke against the ceasefire, as the road was only allowed for pedestrians according to the agreement.
“Before the attack was taken, several measures were taken to minimize the risk of damaging non-combat, including the use of air surveillance and precision weapons,” says a spokesperson.
After the double murder in Piteå – no more suspects
On Saturday morning, a man in his 30s was arrested on suspicion of the double murder.
On Sunday, he is still arrested on probable cause for the act.
The police are not looking for more perpetrators.
– At present, there is no suspicion that there are more than he is involved, says prosecutor Lindha Strömberg.
She does not want to comment on whether the suspect and the victims knew each other. She also does not want to go into if you suspect any motive.
Fire in villa in Lilla Edet
Fire in villa in Lilla Edet
12.04 The rescue service was alerted to a burning villa in Lilla Edet.
– It’s a fully developed fire. We have an extensive resource package in place, says Maria Berntsson, alarm and management operator.
According to the police, no crime is suspected and it is believed that the fire is due to an electrical fault.
“The older man who lived in the house has been taken to a retirement home,” said police spokesman Hans-Jörgen Ostler.
Yellow warning for cold – risk of freezing
Yellow warning for cold – risk of freezing
SMHI has issued a yellow warning for cold in central and northern Lapland mountains.
The warning is valid for Monday and Tuesday, when it is expected to be very cold and windy.
“The risk of freezing is great. Take protection from the wind and pay attention to the body’s warning signals, ”writes SMHI.
The police are investigating murder attempts in Falkenberg
The police are investigating murder attempts in Falkenberg
At 23 o’clock on Saturday, talks about bangs came to the police in Falkenberg.
After the incident, a murder attempt is being investigated in the area. According to police, much indicates that a gunfire has taken place, and forensic technicians have made finds on the scene.
No person is injured in connection with the incident, and no one is arrested.
The police carry out door knocks, interrogations and investigative measures in the area.
Musk suits lego and Pinterest
Musk suits lego and Pinterest
2022, when Elon Musk bought X, formerly Twitter, several large companies chose to stop advertising on the platform.
It made Musk acid. He accuses the companies of engaging in an illegal boycott, and therefore submitted a lawsuit against the companies in court.
Now the atmosphere is expanded to even more companies, reports Npr. Lego, Nestlé, Pinterest, Colgate-Palmolive and Shell are among the sued companies.
Musk and X claim that companies’ decision to stop advertising on the platform has resulted in several billion dollars in lost advertising revenue. X lawyers claim that the competing companies “acted collectively” in a way that has breached the interests of consumers.
Insert to save man in drainage stopped
The drain hole near Tokyo has continued to grow in recent days. On Sunday, it is said to have a diameter of about 40 meters. Photo: Yu Matsuda/AP/TT
Insert to save man in drainage stopped
The man is stuck at 15 meters depth in a drain hole.
Now the rescue effort is interrupted and accommodation near the growing hole is evacuated.
The reason is that wastewater and rain have caused the walls of the hole to collapse, which makes it dangerous for the rescue team to stay there.
Rescue personnel have worked at the 40 meter wide drain hole in the Tokyo suburb of Yashio since Tuesday. The truck driver has been stuck 15 meters down the depth ever since.
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