16,000 are crying out for employment – more and more are becoming unemployed

16000 are crying out for employment more and more

Few people want to be unemployed. Nevertheless, there is always the risk of going without a job.

Currently, unemployment is at 8.3 percent and of these, a certain group corresponds to a total of 16,499 people, according to statistics from Statistics Norway, Statistics Sweden.

It is the case that unemployment increased during the summer for the members of the Akademikernas a-kassa. As much as 33 percent more were unemployed in July compared to the same period last year.

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Photo: Gorm Kallestad & Jonas Ekströmer/TT16 499 graduates without jobs

Of those who are currently unemployed, there is a group that worries more than others.

In one press release explains Alexandra Oljans Ahlincommunicator at Akademikernas a-kassa, that despite a good education, many graduates can suffer from unemployment.

– Unemployment always increases during the summer, but there are significantly more unemployed this summer than last, although graduates still have low unemployment compared to other groups.

In one year, the number of members of the social security fund has increased by two percent, and of all educated graduates, 2.1 percent of them are without employment.

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“Those who have been unemployed for a long time are put even further behind”

Oljans Ahlin also explains that the 16,499 members who are now looking for employment risk generating a lot of long-term unemployed in the long term.

– If we are reasonably calm about the increase in unemployment among our members in general, it is more worrying that the number of long-term unemployed is increasing, even though the percentage has decreased in one year, she says and adds:

– Most people can cope with a short period of unemployment, but then there are those who get stuck and it is that unemployment that is the most problematic, both for the individual and society. Newly unemployed mean that those who have been unemployed for a long time are put even further back in the so-called job queue.


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