16-year-old sentenced after the shooting at the central station in Eskilstuna

It was on April 11 at six o’clock in the evening that panic broke out at the central office after the shooting. According to the indictment, the convict, who was 15 years old at the time of the crime, was waiting for a train that a 23-year-old man was to arrive on. According to the police, he was the intended target. When the 23-year-old jumped off the train and walked towards the underpass, the boy saw him and fired several shots.

In witness interviews, it has emerged that the boy asked for an exact carriage number, which indicates that he knew where the 23-year-old was sitting, according to the police.

Feared for his life

No shots hit anyone, but according to the police it was just pure luck. A witness who was only a few centimeters from the bullets tells how he feared for his life and was unable to return to his normal life after the incident.

“It was so close, if I had stood up I would have been hit,” says the witness in an interrogation.

Taken care of according to LVU

The boy has previously been taken into care according to the Act on LVU. According to the police, he belongs to a criminal network, something he himself denied. The family moved from Eskilstuna in order to remove the 16-year-old from socializing, but according to an investigation from the social service, the boy continued to go back on his own accord.

In the evidence against the boy, there are above all several surveillance videos from the station that capture the entire sequence of events. The police also seized a gun from the boy’s home after a search of the house on the same day he was arrested. The police also found five empty casings and a cartridge immediately after the incident.

The boy who is sentenced did not want to participate in the investigation and denies the crime.
