16 million TL penalty for 6 months and 6 thousand km rule in the car!

16 million TL penalty for 6 months and 6 thousand

The car, which became official last year, was fined 16 million TL within the scope of the “6 months and 6 thousand kilometers” rule.

to remember Mehmet Mus, Minister of Tradefirst about the new era in automobile sales “After the first registration, companies, galleries, renters They will not be able to sell the new vehicles they bought without exceeding 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers. had made the statement. Speaking later on the subject, Muş said in his speech at the Turkey Export Mobilization Summit in Kayseri, “You see, there are new used vehicle ads. Therefore, a new vehicle is bought and sold with a larger figure. There is a situation that triggers each other in automobile prices. We prepared the regulation. After the first registration companies, galleries, rentacars We impose a restriction on the sale of new vehicles purchased for 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers. Get those who really need it.. So it will be really second hand. If there are issues such as determining common prices or manipulating the market in companies, it is the task of the Competition Board and it opens an investigation and examines it. If there is a mistake, it does what is necessary, otherwise it closes. We think that after the regulation is published, citizens will have more primary access. We will not be faced with an advertisement as second hand zero” he said.


This issue has come up once again. According to the news in HaberTürk In the inspections it carried out in January, within the scope of 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers restriction for those who trade second-hand motor vehicles, the Ministry of Commerce confirmed 36 enterprises in total. He reported that an administrative fine of 15 million 905 thousand 127 TL was imposed. In August 2022, the Ministry imposed a restriction on second-hand cars not to be sold after 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers from the first registration date, in order to prevent opportunism created by selling new mileage vehicles at a higher price after they were purchased and never used. According to the source, the distribution of the businesses fined by the Ministry according to the provinces is as follows:

– A total of 3,271,050 TL for 6 businesses in İzmir
– A total of 2,974,920 TL for 6 businesses in Ankara
– Total 3.495.692 TL for 1 business in Samsun
– A total of 927,350 TL for 4 businesses in Istanbul
– A total of 934,025 TL for 2 businesses in Kayseri
– A total of 886.900 TL for 2 businesses in Bursa
– 710,400 TL in total for 2 businesses in Konya
– A total of 656,790 TL for 3 businesses in Erzurum
– A total of 523,500 TL for 2 businesses in Kocaeli
– A total of 400,000 TL for 2 businesses in Balıkesir
– A total of 400,000 TL for 2 businesses in Antalya
– 300.000 TL in total for 1 business in Sakarya
– A total of 200,000 TL for 1 business in Eskişehir
– A total of 124.500 TL for 1 business in Denizli
– 100.000 TL in total for 1 business in Manisa
