150 minutes of horror starring Marvel star Florence Pugh that gets more disturbing by the minute

150 minutes of horror starring Marvel star Florence Pugh that

Sweden is the country of Ikea, Nordic down-to-earthness and a good education system. At least that’s what the travel guide says. In Midsommar, however, a vacation in Sweden turns into one for Marvel star Florence Pugh ultra brutal horror trip surrounded by flowers, bright sunshine and happy people in traditional costumes. You can see the unique shocker on TV today.

Marvel star Florence Pugh is having a horror festival of horrors in Midsommar

After the tragic death of her parents and sister, Dani (Pugh) joins her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) on a trip to Sweden to clear her mind. The group of vacationers find themselves in a remote commune in the country, arranging their everyday life according to unusual customs and preparing for a big summer festival. Before the first day is over the four American visitors are already completely distraught.

And from this point, Midsommar only gets more intense. Director Ari Aster (Hereditary) connects most brutal scenes with drug fantasies and sex orgies into a dreamlike whole in the most gruesome sense. He stages the bloodthirsty sequences in particular with a unique, steady gaze that shows for minutes what many other horror films shy away from.

When is the horror film Midsommar on TV?

Midsummer arrives on this Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 10 p.m. on ServusTV. In addition to Pugh and Reynor, Will Poulter (The Revenant) is in front of the camera.

The best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

In the latest edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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The streaming year was very varied in the film sector. A red panda has thrown Toronto into chaos while a princess struggled from the top floor of a tower to the ground floor. We were also able to experience the first moon landing through children’s eyes and received an amusing Jackass encore.

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