15-year-old was married and pregnant – being investigated again

15 year old was married and pregnant being investigated again
full screen When a 15-year-old girl who had just moved to Sweden started school, it was clear that she was both married and pregnant. Archive image. Photo: Lise Åserud / Ntb / TT

The school raised the alarm that a 15-year-old student was married and pregnant. But police and prosecutors closed the investigation – without having questioned the girl. Now the Public Prosecutor’s Office has done a review, reports Blekinge Läns Tidning.

The first investigation came to the conclusion that no crime had occurred involving the girl, despite the fact that a marriage concluded with a child abroad is not approved in Sweden, except in exceptional cases.

If such a marriage is to be registered, both spouses must have reached the age of 18 at the time of application. In addition, there must be special reasons, if the marriage was not concluded before 2019, reports SVT Nyheter Blekinge.

The girl’s father has previously lived alone in Sweden and received a residence permit. During the summer, he traveled to his old homeland and attended the 15-year-old daughter’s wedding. When he returned to Blekinge, he brought his family with him.

The municipality of Karlshamn and student health at the 15-year-old’s school appealed the decision to drop the police investigation. Now the Prosecutor’s Office’s development center has gone through the case again and concluded that the first investigation had several flaws.

The investigation has been resumed under the leadership of prosecutor Linda Caneus in Kalmar.

– We have been investigating this for a long time now and it is nearing the end, she tells the newspaper.
