15-year-old suspected of murder at Emporia former criminal

15 year old suspected of murder at Emporia former criminal

Published: Less than 40 min ago

Updated: Less than 30 min ago

A 15-year-old is arrested on suspicion of what the police call an “execution” in Emporia.

According to information to Aftonbladet, the boy has been involved in abuse and criminal activity for several years.

The police, school and healthcare have previously submitted several reports of concern.

A 31-year-old man died and a woman passing by was seriously injured during the shooting at the Emporia Mall Friday night. A 15-year-old boy was arrested at the scene and later arrested.

The woman who was seriously injured was visiting a relative in Skåne, according to information.

The teenage boy is now suspected of what the police call an “execution”.

According to information to Aftonbladet, the teenage boy has been involved in criminal activities and abuse for several years.

Last spring, the Administrative Court decided that the boy should be taken into care through the Act on Care of Young People, LVU.

The decision states that the teenage boy has previously been suspected of several crimes, including gross theft and illegal threats.

He has run away from home several times and made himself “uncontactable”.

The boy’s school has repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that he has been violent towards both children and adults.

Social services were involved when the boy was ten years old. Since then, both the police, the school and healthcare have submitted several reports of concern.

full screen Big police effort at Emporia on Friday night. Photo: KRISTER HANSON

Took a taxi from the crime scene

According to South Sweden was the boy who is being held on the run from LVU custody at the time of the murder.

According to information to Aftonbladet, the suspected boy got into a taxi outside Emporia after the shooting. The police were later able to stop the taxi and when the boy was searched they found a gun.

The 31-year-old man who died in the shooting is believed to have been the boy’s target. According to the police, the man is “known from Malmö’s violent environments” since before.

– Everything indicates right now that he was the target of the execution that took place, said Petra Stenkula, police area manager in Malmö, at a press conference on Saturday.

According to the police, the 15-year-old boy is from Gothenburg. The motive for the crime is not yet clear.

– There is no one we have seen in Malmö before, says Petra Stenkula.

During the weekend, the police will continue to work with interviewing witnesses and carrying out technical analyses.

By Monday at the latest, prosecutors must decide whether the 15-year-old should be remanded in custody.

The boy denies any crime, according to Sydsvenskan.

full screen Photo: KRISTER HANSON
