15 weeks of pregnancy (17 weeks): the belly rounds out

15 weeks of pregnancy 17 weeks the belly rounds out

At 15 weeks of pregnancy or 17 SA, your belly becomes more and more rounded. Perhaps you are already beginning to feel the baby’s first movements, at 4 and a half months of pregnancy? Symptoms, fetal development, weight gain… All our advice on this 15th week of pregnancy.

At 15 weeks of pregnancy or 17 SA (already 4 and a half months), you already feel fitter than the first months of pregnancy. Your belly is showing more and more, take the opportunity to highlight your pretty shapes! Baby continues to develop and at 17 weeks, it’s his respiratory system which is beginning to take shape. It is also almost the same size as the placenta! During this 15th week of pregnancy, if you have not already done so, remember to take your second prenatal examination (to be done during the 4th month of pregnancy). You can also make your appointments for your childbirth preparation sessions and find out about maternity registration as well as your declaration of pregnancy with your employer. Our advice on this 15th week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The 15th week of pregnancy corresponds to the 17th week of amenorrhea (17 SA). At this point, you are halfway through your 4th month of pregnancy.

How does a 15 week pregnant woman feel?

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, you feel in good shape, more beautiful and radiant than ever. Under the effect of hormones, you notice that your hair is more beautiful and voluminous, that your nails grow faster… You generally feel in better shape than at the beginning of your pregnancy, even if you can still experience, from time to time, small bursts of fatigue.

What symptoms at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

While a majority of women have a real energy boost in second trimester of pregnancysome future mothers are still very tired. If this condition persists, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe a blood test to check that you are not anemic. This fatigue can also be a sign that you need to slow down at work.

How is the belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

During this fifteenth week of pregnancy, your belly continues to growand your uterus takes up more and more space: its height is now 17 centimeters.

What weight gain at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

At the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, you should have gained a maximum of 4.5 kg. But it all depends on your initial weight and your BMI. Generally, it is advisable not to exceed 1 kg the first three months, then 1.5 kg per month in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Can you feel your baby moving at 15 weeks pregnant?

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, you might be one of the lucky ones who can already feel their baby’s movements. As a general rule, it is rather necessary to wait for the 17th even 18th week of pregnancy to feel baby move. The future dad must show a little more patience because for now, the movements of babies are not yet clear enough to be felt from the outside.

Your baby’s gender is clearly visible on ultrasound. But you’re not expected to have one this week unless your gynecologist has the equipment and does a quick ultrasound during your monthly checkup. Girl or boyyou will know it in a very short time, morphological ultrasound approach !

When is amniocentesis performed?

Amniocentesis is a test that can detect certain chromosomal abnormalities. If, technically, it can be performed at any time of pregnancy, in practice it is most often done during this fourth month. It may be requested in certain specific cases, in particular if the nuchal translucency examination of the fetusperformed during the first ultrasound, raises the suspicion of an anomaly, in the event of risk of trisomy 21, for mothers-to-be over 40, in case of a history of hereditary diseases in the family and finally, if you were in contact, at the beginning of your pregnancy, with a person suffering from chickenpox or rubella. In all these cases, this examination is strongly recommended, but not mandatory. Your doctor will be able to guide you and explain the benefits, but also the risks of the procedure.

How is baby developing at 15 weeks pregnant?

The respiratory system

Despite the absence of air, your baby’s rib cage begins to rise and fall as if breathing. In reality, it is only a training session, which he does from time to time. Your baby is simply letting amniotic fluid into his lungs and then throwing it out. His lungs are not yet mature and not at all capable of absorbing and filtering air. It’s your blood, via the umbilical cordwhich brings him the oxygen necessary for the proper functioning of his organs, and which allows him to evacuate the carbon dioxide produced.

The placenta

At this stage of pregnancy, the placenta is about as big and bulky as your baby. It is an essential organ for the proper development of the fetus, as it allows the exchange of nutrients and oxygen between you and your baby. On the one hand, you bring him what he needs to grow well, on the other, your baby can evacuate the waste he produces. The placenta also acts as a barrier filtering out microbes, germs and bacteria that could be harmful to your baby.

What is the baby’s height and weight at 17 weeks?

At the end of the 15th week of pregnancy, your baby is over 14cm tall and weighs approximately 190g. His growth continues, his genitals are now developed and clearly visible. Still a little patience, the morphological ultrasound is approaching.

Ultrasound of a fetus at 4 months of pregnancy © cphoto-123rf

It’s the end of the abortion period in France

Surgical abortion can be performed until the end of the 14th week of pregnancy, 16 weeks after the start of the last menstrual period. At 15 weeks of pregnancy or 17 SA, it is no longer possible to have an abortion in France.

Can you adapt your work when you are pregnant?

If you are employed, find out about your rights regarding your pregnancy at work. Indeed, some collective agreements provide for the reduction of working time for pregnant employees. In the same way, if you do heavy work (heavy loads, standing, etc.), certain workstation arrangements can and should be offered to you. Find out! Also remember to notify your employer of your pregnancy and your due date in order to organize your replacement during your maternity leave in advance.

sexuality during pregnancy

During the first trimester, between nausea and fatigue, the libido is often at half mast. In the second semester, it is sometimes the changes in the body that slow down future mothers and prevent them from giving free rein to their desires. First of all, be reassured, sex is safe for your baby. It is warm in your uterus and your cervix is ​​closed by the mucous plug. If you want to make love, and unless expressly contraindicated by your doctor, then take advantage of it! Pregnancy is sometimes the occasion for a true rediscovery of one’s sexuality.
