15 foods to eat during pregnancy

15 foods to eat during pregnancy

A healthy and balanced diet promotes the smooth running of any pregnancy. Here is a list of 15 foods beneficial to the health of the baby and his mother.

Pregnancy is a period that often leads the mother to question her eating habits. If she does not have to eat for two, it is nevertheless important that she wonders and that she adjusts, if necessary, the composition of her meals. The food she ingests provides the energy her body needs to lead a peaceful pregnancy. Their quality and variety also promote the healthy growth of her unborn child.

On the same subject

Nutritional elements to be included regularly in the diet of pregnant women

A healthy and balanced diet helps mother and baby stay healthy. It helps to prevent, or even manage, certain pathologies, such as gestational diabetes or deficiencies. It provides the body with the strength it needs throughout pregnancy, but also for childbirth and postpartum. In addition, food is the source of the nutritional elements that the baby needs to develop peacefully.

The mother-to-be must in particular ensure that she regularly incorporates the following elements into her diet:

  • proteins, rich in amino acids, essential for the development of the baby’s organs and muscle mass. They are also beneficial for the mother’s sleep and appetite. Do not hesitate to alternate animal proteins (meat, egg, fish) and vegetable proteins (lentils, chickpeas or rice) during the week;
  • carbohydrates, which provide the energy that the mother’s body needs. They promote the proper functioning of his transit, while they are essential for the development of his child’s muscles and nervous system. They are found in many foods, including starches and pulses, which also have a low glycemic index;
  • lipids, also a source of energy. Among these, vegetable oils, oilseeds and fatty fish provide omega-3, essential fatty acids for the good cerebral and retinal development of the child. In the mother, they help reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia and postpartum depression.
  • iodine, which is found in seafood products. It contributes to the healthy growth of the baby’s brain and nervous system. It also helps to prevent the risk of hypothyroidism in the mother and her child. Doctors recommend eating fish twice a week, including once a fatty fish (such as sardines or herring);
  • iron, a mineral whose needs increase during pregnancy. It helps transport oxygen in the blood, the flow of which increases during this period. Meat and legumes in particular have a high iron content. To assimilate this mineral correctly, it is recommended to consume it in addition to a food rich in vitamin C (such as broccoli, pepper or kiwi), but away from a cup of tea, which slows down its integration by the body;
  • vitamin B9, which is found naturally in milk, fruits and green vegetables. It helps prevent a congenital malformation, spina bifida, which causes the baby’s neural tube to close improperly. Folic acid supplementation is often prescribed for women who wish to become pregnant.

This selection is obviously not exhaustive. It aims to highlight the fundamental role of food in the smooth running of pregnancy. To obtain additional and personalized information, do not hesitate to approach your doctor or a dietitian.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

The foods to be avoided in the diet of pregnant women are those which constitute a potential risk for the mother and the child. There are two pathologies for which doctors are particularly attentive during pregnancy. It is toxoplasmosis and of listeriosis, both potentially dangerous to the fetus. To avoid them, it is recommended that expectant mothers not to consume raw or undercooked meat and fish, to wash fruit, vegetables and fresh herbs well, not to eat sprouted seeds and to avoid any sensitive product, such as charcuterie, cut foods, raw milk or blue-veined cheeses, and the crusts of the latter. Furthermore, it is recommended to respect the expiry date of the products and to ensure that the kitchen and fridge are properly cleaned.

In addition, doctors advise the mother to limit coffee and tea, stimulants that increase tension, and to banish alcohol and tobacco, which can have harmful repercussions on the baby’s health. Any pregnant woman can benefit from specific support to reduce and stop their consumption.

The young mother can easily set up a beneficial diet for her and her baby. She must take care to regularly vary the foods that make up her dishes. The slideshow presents 15 foods to include regularly in your meals.


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