15 easy tips for detaching wooden furniture

15 easy tips for detaching wooden furniture

Water stains, coffee stains, grease stains or scratches… Wooden furniture, and especially tables, are not immune to being soiled or damaged. Good news, there is at least one solution for every type of stain.

Watch out for water stains on wooden furniture

It is wrongly thought that water does not stain! Be careful, water and wood do not mix. Water can leave white streaks and rings on wooden coverings. If the wood is waxed, it is well protected against water stains. But raw wood is much more vulnerable and water leaves traces that cannot be removed with a simple cloth. Also beware of mango wood. Reputed to be easy to maintain, very often your furniture is not varnished when you buy it and will be sensitive to water. In general, remember to treat your tables to avoid stains.
