Here you will learn 15 fun and worth knowing information about the consoles from PlayStation and Nintendo. And why someone owns 2,700 versions of a single game.
Video game consoles have been around for over 50 years and the most bizarre stories have accumulated over time. Did you know that Nintendo has the rights to two porn movies and someone changed their name to “PlayStation 2”?
We have summarized 15 fun and interesting facts about PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox in 3 short videos.
7 fun facts about the PlayStation
You could already watch Netflix on the PS2 – 7 curious facts about the PlayStation
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Sony quickly turned out to be a major competitor to Nintendo with its first PlayStation – Nintendo was very strong with its consoles at the time.
Sony was ahead of the game, especially from a technological point of view. For example, who would have thought that Netflix could already be used on the PlayStation 2. We have selected these and 6 other stories for you and present them to you in a video.
7 fun facts about Nintendo
There’s Noodles by Nintendo – 7 Curious Facts You Didn’t Know About the Company Behind Super Mario
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The Nintendo brand has been around a lot longer than most of us are on the planet. During that time, the company not only tried to sell video games, but also went completely different ways.
You can find 7 interesting and entertaining stories about Nintendo in our overview video.
He’s bought the same Xbox game 2,700 times and wants more
An old Xbox game was only available for purchase for 36 days – A pro wrestler has over 2,700 copies and wants more
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Many of us enjoy collecting, but owning one and the same thing thousands of times is very special.
But therein lies the attraction for a professional wrestler from America. He has made it his mission to own as many copies of a limited Xbox game as possible. We have summarized which game it is and why it does it in a video.
For more video game facts check out this video: 7 LoL Facts Only True Veterans Know