14-year-old girls burned down school – 73 million is required

14 year old girls burned down school 73 million is required

It was late one evening in October 2018 that the two 14-year-old girls froze and decided to break into Gottsunda School through a window.

Using a hammer, they then made their way into the staff room where they found a paper bag with lighter fluid and matches.

— We were still freezing so we poured lighter fluid, then we threw matches, one of the girls tells SVT Uppsala.


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The girls are required at 73 million

In November last year, a letter came home to her family in which she and the other girl – who are both now 20 years old – are required to pay SEK 73 million by the municipality’s insurance company.

According to the letter of demand, the debt must be paid with late payment interest, which means that it grows by SEK 24,000 every day.

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The damage is not covered by the insurance

According to the insurance company SKFAB, the damage from the fire is not covered by the women’s insurance – which means that the company will sue them in court later this fall.

— It is a lot of money and we demand the full cost. Then we assume that the court will greatly reduce the damages, says Stefan Sköldclaims manager at SKFAB, to SVT.

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