14 weeks of pregnancy (16 weeks): it’s the beginning of the 4th month!

14 weeks of pregnancy 16 weeks its the beginning of

At 14 weeks of pregnancy or 16 SA, you are already at the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy. Our midwife Anh-Chi Ton, answers our questions on the progress of this 16th week of amenorrhea and on the development of the fetus.

From this 14th week of pregnancy (or 16 weeks), you are entering your 4th month of pregnancy. The symptoms (nausea and vomiting in particular) begin to be less present, which gives you a little respite and you will feel more and more in good shape. The next few weeks of pregnancy should indeed be more fulfilling, both physically and morally. Take the opportunity to take time for yourself and organize a little weekend. For his part, baby continues to grow and moves a lot! It’s also a good time to make your first appointments. preparation for childbirth, and find out about maternity hospitals. “If you haven’t yet sent your declaration of pregnancy, now is really the time to do so in order to benefit from third-party maternity payment as soon as possible..”, recalls Anh-Chi Ton. Also consider declaring your pregnancy to your employer, if this has not already been done.

“If you have not yet sent your declaration of pregnancy, now is the time to do so in order to benefit from third-party maternity payment as soon as possible”.

How many months and SA at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

The 14th week of pregnancy corresponds to 16 weeks of amenorrhea or 16 SA. You start your fourth month of pregnancythe beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

The end of symptoms at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

From the fourth month of pregnancy, most expectant mothers say goodbye to morning sickness, vomiting and nausea. You finally get back in shape: you no longer experience heavy pumping and no longer doze during the day, especially in the early afternoon. But don’t worry if you’re not in Olympic shape yet, baby is drawing on your reserves more than ever. If you continue to experience mild discomfort, it may be because your sugar level is too low. Remember to always have a small snack on hand, for example a fruit or a cereal bar.

What to do in case of mycosis during pregnancy?

Under the effect of hormones, the balance of your vaginal flora changes. Microscopic fungi can begin to proliferate in the vagina: this is the vaginal mycosis. This infection is not dangerous, neither for you nor for your baby, but it can be embarrassing, because recurrent. In case of symptomatic mycosis (itching, redness, irritation), it is important to start treatment quickly. This is double: an egg to be introduced directly into the vagina, sometimes renewing 3 or 7 days later with a new egg, and a cream to be applied morning and evening for a week. In some cases oral treatment is also prescribed. advise the midwife.

“In case of symptomatic mycosis during pregnancy, it is important to start treatment quickly”.

What weight gain at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you will take approximately between 1kg and 1.5 kg per month. This is obviously an average and various factors can have an impact on your weight gain, in particular your initial build or very frequent vomiting in early pregnancy. It is important to have a healthy and balanced dietto hydrate abundantly and, of course, to avoid “eating for two”.

Why do I have a stomach ache at 14 weeks pregnant?

Under the effect of relaxin, your ligaments soften and pull. You may then feel pain in the pelvis and up to the groin. If these pains are absolutely normal, they can be disabling so rest as much as possible. At 14 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow very rapidly and abdominal pain, similar to that of menstruation, are possible. If they do not last and are not accompanied by red blood discharge, there is normally no cause for concern. On the other hand, if you have any doubts, consult quickly.

What is the height and weight of the baby at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

In just one week, your baby’s weight has almost doubled : it went from around 65 g to 110 g!

How does the fetus develop at 14 weeks of pregnancy?

  • The fetus now looks like a real baby: its legs are getting longer quickly, they are now longer than its arms.
  • His skeleton also solidifies.
  • the thyroid gland begins to function and produce thyroid hormone. This is essential for the good growth of your child, but also for the good development of his nervous system.

How is baby moving at 14 weeks pregnant?

At this stage of pregnancy, your baby is learning to do a lot of things. : he now knows how to swallow amniotic fluid and saliva, is able to open his mouth and move his lips, move his arms and legs as he wishes, and also knows how to clench his fists and move his little fingers. Little by little, he will learn to coordinate his movements. He can even contract the muscles of his now perfectly formed face to display different expressions. “At this stage the baby is already moving a lot, you have also been able to see it during the first trimester ultrasound. But it is very rare that women already feel it at this stage, it is even exceptional.”, observes Anh-Chi Ton.

“At 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is very rare for women to feel it already at this stage, it is even exceptional”.

Can we see if it is a girl or a boy at 16 SA?

If you spent a pregnancy ultrasound this month, you could know the sex of your baby which is now clearly visible. Still a little patience, baby will soon reveal his secret during theultrasound of the second trimester.

When to do your first prenatal interview?

Since 2007, in addition to seven prenatal consultations classics, the public authorities have set up maintenance of the fourth month of pregnancyalso sometimes called early prenatal care. This one is not compulsory, you can enjoy it, you and the future dad, if you wish. “It is generally carried out by a midwife, privately or in the maternity ward, and legally lasts 45 minutes.“, explains the midwife. This is an opportunity for future parents to take stock of their pregnancy experience, but also to talk about their difficulties, whether material or psychological.

When to register for childbirth preparations?

The fourth month interview is also an opportunity to take stock of the childbirth preparation sessions. This is the perfect time to find out about the different formulas on offer, and to register (some preparations such as haptonomy for example start very early). You will discover all the technical details of childbirth, but will also be able to ask all your questions. Seven sessions are covered by Social Security: take advantage of them!
