14.7% organic market growth in 2015

147 organic market growth in 2015

On the occasion of the next Organic Spring, which will take place from June 1 to 15, the players in the organic sector present their figures. In 2015, the number of producers increased by 5% and the organic market by 14.7%. An unprecedented increase which testifies to a real enthusiasm of the French for organic products.

The organic market experienced unprecedented growth in 2015, and this growth intensified at the start of 2016. This sector grew by 14.7% in 2015 compared to 2014, to reach a total of 5.76 billion euros, beyond the first forecasts at 5.5 billion.

After an average increase of 10% per year from 1999 to 2005, the growth in organic consumption accelerated. From 2007 to 2012, the market doubled then grew by almost 20% between 2012 and 2014 to reach +14.7% between 2014 and 2015.

In this fast-growing market, organic purchases by collective catering have increased by 18% in one year. The main organic products offered by collective catering are fresh products, in particular fruit (apples being the flagship product), dairy products and vegetables (mainly carrots).

18% of orchards are organic

Echoing this strong demand, more farmers have turned to organic farming, all sectors combined. For all agricultural production, the organic share continued to increase, reaching 5.12% of France’s useful agricultural area. It is in fruit that organic farming is best represented with 18% of the areas planted with orchards and 9% of the areas with vines.

On the breeding side, beekeeping is the best represented in the organic sector with 13.8% of hives engaged in organic.

Half of the farms and organic surfaces are in the three major regions of the South: Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou Charentes.

Read also :

A family tries organic food for two weeks

It’s better to eat organic: we tell you why



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