13 weeks of pregnancy (15 weeks): what to do at the end of the 3rd month?

13 weeks of pregnancy 15 weeks what to do at

The 13th week of pregnancy already marks the end of the 1st trimester. By the end of this 3rd month, you should feel a little better. For his part, baby continues to grow: his face becomes more refined, taste and touch are developing and he moves a lot even if you don’t feel it yet! The advice of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife on this 15th week of amenorrhea.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy or 15 SAthe symptoms are a little more discreet, which gives you time to regain your strength in this end of third month of pregnancy. It is also the end of your first trimester and at this stage, the risk of miscarriage also decreases markedly, so you can feel reassured about the smooth running of your pregnancy. If you haven’t yet announced the happy event to those around you, now might be a good time to say you’re pregnant. Without forgetting your employer, to whom you can announce the dates of your maternity leave. What to do during this 13th week of pregnancy? How is baby developing? Our midwife Anh-Chi Ton gives us her advice to live peacefully at the end of the 3rd month.

How many months and SA at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Week of amenorrhea: the 13th week of pregnancy corresponds to 15 SA or 15 weeks of amenorrhea.

Month : At 13 weeks of pregnancy, you are at the end of 3rd month of pregnancyand therefore at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy.

How much weight gain at 13 weeks pregnant?

The baby and the placenta make up about a third of the weight gained during pregnancy. At this point you should have taken between 1.5 and 2 kg approximately (maximum up to 3 kg at the end of the 3rd month). If you’ve taken more, don’t panic: every woman is unique. “On the other hand, if you feel that the situation escapes you, do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor and consult a dietician to adopt the right eating habits..”, advises the midwife.

What symptoms at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

For most pregnant women, this end of the third month of pregnancy also marks the end of the little ailments of pregnancy. At this stage, the nausea fades, or even completely disappear. You also feel better intestinally. THE stomach pains are also fading (but they will come back!).

How is the belly at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Your little belly is really starting to round up: your uterus is now the size of a large lemon ! If you’re starting to feel cramped in your pants, now might be a good time to buy some pregnancy clothes.

The size of the belly is however very variable from one woman to another. It depends on several factors, including morphology, posture, abdominals. The size of the belly is therefore correlated with the body of the woman more than with the growth of the baby. We also note that when it comes to a second or third pregnancy, the belly resorts more quickly.“, observes the midwife.

“When it comes to a second or third pregnancy, the belly resorts more quickly”.

How is baby moving at 13 weeks pregnant?

baby’s movements are now better coordinated. He now moves his arms, legs, hands (and even his eyes!). But at 13 weeks pregnant, you can’t feel them yet and that’s nothing to worry about. Still a little patience.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy or 15 SA, your baby’s senses are in full development. All the different elements of his face are now in place: his eyes, his ears, his mouth, his nose… He even sports very small eyebrows, and a few hairs appear on his skull. The pigments of his skin (or melanin) begin to develop. They will soon give a pretty pink color to his skin.

  • Your baby becomes more sensitive to his environment : he appreciates the sweet flavor of amniotic fluid, likes the caresses that you or the dad lavish on him by touching your belly…
  • He also reacts when his feet touch the uterine wall.
  • Her little hands, now perfectly formed, move more and more. Besides, he is also starting to move his legs and arms well.
  • He even opens his mouth from time to time: perhaps he is preparing to breastfeed or to suck his thumb?
  • His ears do not yet react to the noises around them. It takes a while for your baby’s hearing to develop.

What is the height and weight of the baby?

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, baby measures 10 cm and weighs 70 g.

Legally, there is no obligation for you to tell your employer about your pregnancy at such and such a time. “Nevertheless, notifying him fairly quickly is essential so that he can organize himself during your maternity leave, find a replacement and that the transfer between you takes place in the best conditions. advises Anh-Chi Ton. And the sooner you notify your employer, the sooner you can benefit from the advantages linked to your status. In particular, you will be able to be absent for your various compulsory medical examinations, without loss of remuneration.

Take the opportunity to think a little more about how you want to welcome your baby. All these wishes, you can list them in what is called a birth plan. “The objective of the birth plan is to express desires, wishes, needs that are a little different from what is usually done in the hospital: childbirth in a position other than the physiological position, desire for mobility, music during childbirth, etc..”, explains the midwife. Once this plan has been established, discuss it as soon as possible with the medical team of the maternity unit where you are going to give birth, in order to let them know your wishes.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.
