120 million expensive adventure film with Keira Knightley, for which 300 workers built a wall for 4 months

120 million expensive adventure film with Keira Knightley for which

The action adventure runs on Thursday King Arthur on television, which retold the English Arthurian legend in a real setting in 2004. The film had to be realistic, so much so that hundreds of workers even built a kilometer-long wall for it. However, despite Keira Knightley, the great effort and high costs of the film did not bring the desired success.

An expensive adventure on TV: What is King Arthur about?

Director Antoine Fuqua (The Equalizer) removed the magical myth of the famous English king and his Round Table from his adventure film King Arthur and mainly left historical action behind:

In 400 AD the Roman Empire extended into Britain. Here the Roman Arthur (Clive Owen) is stationed on the 120 kilometer long Hadrian’s Wall to defend the Roman province against Celtic raids from the north. Lancelot (Ioan Gruffudd) is one of his fighters. But it is only after the Celtic slave Guinevere (Keira Knightley) is freed that the relationship between the friendly knights becomes complicated.

Buena Vista

King Arthur: Lancelot, Guinevere and Arthur

Equality, honor and freedom play a major role in the battle of King Arthur. Til Schweiger’s crazy guest appearance as a barbaric Saxon is also unforgettable in the recently lost adventure film. There are also big acting names like Mads Mikkelsen, Stellan Skarsgård, Joel Edgerton and Ray Stevenson in the cast.

The adventure film King Arthur featured gigantic walls and Keira Kightley

King Arthur had a great vision for adventure and did not shy away from great effort to achieve it. As the bonus material on the DVD for King Arthur * revealed, it was used for filming a 1 kilometer long wall was built, which was intended to convincingly illustrate the enormous structure of the historic Hadrian’s Wall. One Crew of 300 workers built the facility in four and a half months in a field in County Kildare, Ireland. This made the structure the largest film set ever built in Ireland in 2004 (via Fandom).

Buena Vista

King Arthur: Attack on the Bastion in Hadrian’s Wall

King Arthur was correspondingly expensive in the end: According to Box Office Mojo, the film had a Budget of 120 million dollars. The global one Box office gross of $203 million However, it would have had to be much higher to be considered a success by the Disney studio. But even Keira Knightley, who had her career high in the 2000s, couldn’t cope with the bad reviews and the mediocre audience reception (31% and 59% respectively on Rotten Tomatoes).

This is how you can watch King Arthur from 2004

VOX shows the adventure film King Arthur on Thursday October 19, 2023 around 22:00 O’clock. If you missed the TV broadcast, you can watch the historical action with Keira Knightley at any time Stream on Disney+ *.

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