12 weeks of pregnancy (14 WA): echo, girl or boy?

12 weeks of pregnancy 14 WA echo girl or boy

At 14 weeks of amenorrhea, your breasts and belly continue to gain volume. During this 12th week of pregnancy, your baby’s organs are now operational and well developed. Don’t forget to send your declaration of pregnancy as well. Here is the advice of our midwife Anh-Chi Ton on this 12th week of pregnancy or 14 SA.

AT 12 weeks pregnant, you are nearing the end of your first trimester of pregnancy. This course generally marks a decrease in symptoms, before entering the second trimester, that of fulfillment! The belly is slowly starting to round out and expectant parents will normally see their baby for the first time during the ultrasound. Symptoms, belly, echo, girl or boy?... Our midwife Anh-Chi Ton answers all our questions about the progress of this 12th week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

Your third month of pregnancy ends soon, you are in your 12th week of pregnancy or 14th week of amenorrhea (14 weeks).

What are the symptoms at 12 weeks pregnant?

Tiredness is still often quite present, but you will soon feel much better! Your belly continues to grow, for your greatest happiness. “We often observe a decrease in symptoms at this stage, related to the decrease in beta-HCG hormone levels. If it is difficult to really explain why, we know that nausea and vomiting are most likely related to this hormone. In addition, women who are expecting twins have a higher rate and their symptoms are often increased tenfold.”, observes Anh-Chi Ton.

“A decrease in symptoms is often observed at this stage, in connection with the decrease in the level of the hormone beta-HCG”

sore breasts

Some women find their more sensitive or even painful breasts. To relieve yourself, remember to wear a suitable bra, in the right size. You can also wear one at night, but prefer it without underwire. A little tip if your breasts are very tight, relieve the discomfort by applying washcloths soaked in cold water. The relief is immediate.


Good news: if they haven’t gone away yet, the nausea should slowly start to fade. If you feel tired, only one watchword: rest. Ask for help around you, for example, get help from a housekeeper for the maintenance of the house if you can. Also pay attention to what you eat and remember to hydrate yourself enough, by drinking throughout the day.

How is the belly at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage of pregnancy, the belly of some future mothers is already clearly rounded. For others, on the other hand, the pregnancy is still invisible, which generates fear and frustration. Try to stay calm, many factors affect belly size, including the number of previous pregnancies and your initial weight. A little patience, in a few weeks you will finally have the joy of caressing a round belly.

What is the risk of miscarriage at 14 weeks?

Future parents impatiently await the fateful milestone of three months, when the risk of miscarriage decreases markedly. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can enjoy your pregnancy serenely while listening to your body. Zero risk does not exist, if you have unusual pain or persistent bleeding, it is better to consult.“, recommend the midwife.

How to know if it is a girl or a boy at the first echo?

At the time of your first ultrasound, which must take place before the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, you will have the opportunity to see the evolution of your baby. In some, observing the pedunclethe sonographer will be able to give you an idea of ​​the sex of the baby, even if these predictions will have to be confirmed during the 2nd ultrasound.

  • if it is facing upit is a boy,
  • if it’s rather downit will be a little girl.
  • Your baby’s face is becoming more and more refined.
  • His eyelids grow,
  • his eyes and ears take their final place,
  • his jaw also changes.
  • Even her hair is slowly starting to grow.
  • The lanugo, a very fine down, now covers your baby’s whole body: its mission is to protect his skin and will fall naturally before birth, or just after (for babies born before term).
  • All the organs (as well as the skeleton) of your child are now formed. They all start working normally.
  • His nervous system and his muscles are now active: we can now say that your baby is moving voluntarily, even if you do not feel it yet.
  • Your baby’s genitals are also formed. In the little girl, the ovaries descend. In the little boy, the prostate forms.
  • If you are expecting a baby boy, his penis is now present : if you did an ultrasound now, you could see it clearly.

How tall is baby at 12 weeks pregnant?

At the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy, your baby is now about 9 cm and weighs about 45 g. Realize its incredible evolution in just 3 months, and this is only the beginning!

It’s time to declare your pregnancy!

If you have not yet sent your declaration of pregnancy (given to you by your doctor or gynecologist during the first prenatal consultation), now is the time. To benefit from your rights, you must indeed send it before the end of the 13th week of pregnancy. As a reminder, the pink section must be sent to your health insurance fund (CPAM, RSI for the self-employed, etc.), and the two blue sections to your family allowance fund (CAF).

To make your life easier, it is now possible for your practitioner to automatically upload the form to the departments concerned. You will benefit, among other things, from the 100% reimbursement of medical examinations so-called mandatory, throughout your pregnancy, but also afterwards.recalls Anh-Chi Ton.

The 4th month consultation

At the end of the third month of pregnancy, you can make an appointment for your fourth month consultation. It is the second of seven mandatory consultations, after the one you had at the very beginning of your pregnancy. Now you will have to plan for one each month until the birth. These visits are an opportunity to do a complete medical examination and to take stock of the progress of your pregnancy.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
