12 games for a girls’ baby shower

12 games for a girls baby shower

Your birth is fast approaching. It’s high time to organize a baby shower with friends, to celebrate the arrival of baby. Here are some ideas for memorable games and entertainment.

[Mise à jour du 21 juillet 2022]. Directly from the United States, the baby shower is gaining more and more followers in France, If you wish host your own baby showerstart by making a guest list (your close friends and family) and preferably opt for a girls’ afternoon, for lunch or a snack, for example. This event is usually organized by someone close to the mother-to-be (for even more surprises), about one or two months before the end of her pregnancy. For this unique occasion, remember that the decor is as important as the entertainment offered. But what games to organize for a baby shower successful? here are some animation ideas to do without the fuss. Be careful, some require a little organization (buying stickers and bibs for example to customize them, asking guests to send photos of them when they were babies, etc. Take note!

1 – The Book of Predictions

On what date and at what time will the baby show up? Who will he most resemble? What size and weight will he be at birth? And above all, what pretty first name will his parents have chosen? And if the mother has not yet revealed the sex of the baby, will it be a girl or a little boy? Suggest to your friends guess all those little details and note them carefully in a small booklet, or on sheets that you can print and distribute. to each of your friends. You will then watch, out of curiosity, who was closest to reality when your baby was born. Clues to treasure in a guestbook! Feel free to add as many details as possible such as eye color, presence of hair, etc.

2 – The customization of bibs

Bibs are one of the essential gifts for the birth of a baby. Very practical, they will be even more pleasant if they are personalized by the entourage of the future parents. But how to customize them? Start by buying plain bibs, in different colors, and an iron-on fabric, which you just need to apply with an iron. The guests can then cut out shapes and letters, then place them on the bib and create tender and humorous messages. A simple, fun and creative workshop, often very popular. In addition, the young mother will be forced to think of her guests every time she gives the bottle or the breast to her baby. You can do the same thing on birth bodysuits.

© Elodie B.

3 – The Baby Shower photobooth

Do you feel that the atmosphere is a little calmer during the afternoon? Place at photoboothan unmissable festive event that lends itself perfectly to a baby shower! Enough to leave memorable memories of this girls’ day, with photos to keep in your pregnancy album. But before you start, remind your guests that ridicule does not kill, quite the contrary. All the accessories (wigs, baby bottles, hats, pacifiers, glasses, colorful clothes…) are welcome to strike an original, funny and quirky pose alongside the future mother, also in disguise of course! If you wish, you can also organize a girls photo shoot, with a professional, for even more successful shots. And if you have a Polaroid, it’s even more fun! You can even ask your friends to write a note on the back of the photo.

4 – Photos of baby guests

Can you recognize who owns the photos of these babies? Just one clue: each newborn portrait corresponds to one of your guests here. An adorable game that lets everyone reminisce about childhood memories and see the obvious similarities, or conversely, how much they’ve changed over the years. A word of advice: if you have trouble finding which person is in the photo, proceed by elimination: if your sister or cousin participates, you will necessarily recognize them. A photo of you may also be among the various shots. Remember that to organize this activity, the person who prepares your baby shower must, beforehand, ask the guests to send them by email a photo of her as a baby. She can then print them on photo paper to present them on D-Day, or scroll through them on a screen. Do not hesitate to count the points and reward the mother-to-be for her correct answers.


5 – Estimated waist circumference

Using a ribbon or woolen thread, each guest must estimate the size of your round belly. Each in turn, the guests hold a ball in their hands and assess your waistline, often referring to their own measurements. The one that is closest to your measurements will have won the game. Nevertheless, you will be surprised to see that your friends see you much larger than you are! This will be the perfect opportunity to show them that, despite the pregnancy pounds you’ve put on (which is normal by the way), you haven’t doubled in size either… Besides, you can even allow you to take some sweets and cakes that are waiting for you on the table. By the way, do not hesitate to remind those whose ribbon is too big, that they are… on a diet!

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6 – The Time’s up game, maternity version

You know that game which consists of guess as many personalities as possible or words to his team in record time? Why not prepare small index cards, with words related to pregnancy, childbirth or motherhood (example: couvade, twins, nausea, caesarean section, stroller, etc.)? You can also prepare “people” cards, to make you guess the stars who are expecting a child or those who have just given birth. The second round is funnier since only one word can be spoken to make people guess these same cards. More difficult then, when only mimes will be accepted. You can also adapt this idea to other games (Pictionnary, Taboo, mimes, etc.). Laughter guaranteed!

7 – A karaoke or a blind test

Singing with friends, like casseroles, is always very tempting. For your baby shower, it’s also an opportunity to test your knowledge, and that of your friends, about lullabies and nursery rhymes that you will soon be humming in your baby’s ear. Create a playlist with essential titles and download Henri Des or Anne Sylvestre tracks now by following the words scrolling on a screen. You can also suggest songs on the theme of your favorite cartoons, or organize a blind test, by having people guess the titles of these children’s songs. Microphone in hand, you will have fun singing like children!

8 – A culinary workshop at home

We cannot say that you are a cordon bleu! If this is your case, or on the contrary, if you enjoy learning new things, why not organize home cooking class, with all your friends? The opportunity to discover new dishes or new pastry recipes, and to taste all together these delicious dishes prepared with love! In addition, it is high time to learn to cook like a chef, so that you can then offer balanced, homemade and healthy meals to your children. If you are interested in the idea, you can book a chef at home on www.invite1chef.com. or ask him to cook directly for your guests on labelleplate.fr

9 – Revealing the baby’s gender

The baby shower is the perfect occasion to Tell your loved ones the sex of the baby. Are you pregnant with a girl or a boy? This is the question that everyone keeps asking you when you tell them that you are expecting a happy event. If you have not yet revealed the sex of your future child, take advantage of this day with friends to make an original announcement. To do this, fill a balloon with colored confetti. Do the count and prick your balloon with a needle. Be careful, if you opt for this very festive entertainment, be careful to choose a mixed table decoration, so as not to spoil the surprise effect. Like Jessica Alba, you can also fill a big box with confetti and balloons, Pinata style.

10 – The taste test

Will the mother-to-be be able to recognize, blindfolded, what are the different flavors of small jars what do you give him a taste? Of course, you will have taken care to remove the labels beforehand. Apples/bananas, chicken/carrots, pumpkins or apples/apricots… It’s not always easy to guess all the ingredients that baby will taste in a few months. On the other hand, prevent the animation from going adrift by adding unpopular ingredients, even prohibitive for some, such as mustard, pepper or chilli for example. If you know the mother-to-be well, offer her instead to taste these flavors she loves. A passion macaroon, a mango yoghurt or a pistachio ice cream… All the ingredients she likes are welcome.

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11 – Speed ​​games: a timed animation

Who will be the fastest? You can create two teams to do a relay. The aim of the game ? Changing a doll’s diaper as soon as possible (with a blindfold option), position a doll in a baby carrier or a sling, fold and unfold a stroller in record time… A word of advice: if you have the choice of composing your team, favor your friends who already have children, to be (almost) sure to score points. The opportunity for you to train before the baby is born, on these daily gestures which will very quickly become child’s play. For now, giggles are guaranteed, especially if the stress begins to mount in a hurry.

12 – Opening gifts

Each of your friends brought you a small gift for the birth of the baby? Open them together to discover their delicate attentions around a slice of cake and a cocktail served in a bottle. A friendly moment that allows you to end the afternoon by thanking them… Finally, don’t forget to prepare small sachets of sweets to offer to your guests. They will be delighted to leave with a little souvenir of this unforgettable baby shower.
