112 news: Police in action after Orange match | Accident with motorcyclist

112 news Police in action after Orange match Accident

Province of Utrecht – In this blog we keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It is an overview of accidents, fires, crimes, traffic jams and disruptions in the region on Thursday 11 July.

7:49 PM: Accident involving motorcyclist in Baarn

A motorcyclist was injured after a collision with a car on the Eemweg-Bisschopsweg. The accident happened around 17:30 at the intersection with the Bestevaerweg. According to a press photographer who was on the scene, the motorcyclist had to be rushed to the hospital. Due to the accident, the Eemweg towards the A1 is temporarily closed.

© Caspar Huurdeman

7:22 PM: Two cleaners unwell at NS marshalling yard, one dead

A cleaner from Vebego has died. This happened after he became unwell at a marshalling yard of NS in Utrecht. A colleague also became unwell, NS confirms. He is in hospital. What exactly happened is not yet known.

6:30 PM: Utrecht ‘risk fans’ arrested in Dortmund after Dutch match

The police in Dortmund arrested 23 Dutch and 3 English people for various reasons around and during the England-Netherlands match yesterday. Seventeen people were slightly injured during riots in the city, including seven police officers. Among the foreigners arrested were five suspects from Utrecht. According to the police, this was because “risky” football fans from Utrecht and Rotterdam got into fights with each other in several places in the city during the match.

4:01 PM: Utrecht resident suspected of soft drug trafficking

The police have arrested two people on suspicion of exporting soft drugs to Germany. One of the suspects is a 37-year-old man from Utrecht. The second suspect is a 39-year-old from Leeuwarden. The two are currently in custody. The police in the North of the Netherlands are investigating further.

3:53 PM: Fatbiker (64) dies after collision in Utrecht

A 64-year-old man from IJsselstein has died after a serious accident with a fatbike. The accident happened yesterday on the Thomas á Kempisweg in Utrecht. Shortly before 09:00, the man on his fatbike was hit by a car, the police reported. The IJsselsteiner was seriously injured and the injuries turned out to be fatal.

12:00: Serious accident on the N212 near Kamerik

A serious accident involving a truck and a car occurred on the N212 early this afternoon. No information is yet available about any victims. The accident occurred at 12:05 on the section of the N212 between the N401 and the Lange Meentweg. The road was closed for assistance, and emergency services were present in large numbers. A trauma helicopter also landed on the road.

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© PetersHotnews.nl

11:30 am: Public Prosecution Service demands 12 years in prison for partner murder

The Public Prosecution Service demands a twelve-year prison sentence for a 45-year-old man from Utrecht who killed his girlfriend with dozens of stab wounds early last year. He would also have to pay the surviving relatives a total of more than two hundred thousand euros in damages. According to the public prosecutor, it has been proven that Jurgen G. killed his partner Rubia in a sudden impulse in her apartment on the Mexicodreef.

10:00 am: Police in action on Brussels Square after Netherlands-England

In Utrecht, there was unrest on the Brusselplein in Leidsche Rijn last night after the Netherlands-England match. Many Orange supporters were on their feet to watch the match together on a big screen. There were already a few riots during the match, and someone was assaulted and injured.

After the event, the mood changed and bottles and eggs were thrown at the police. The square was then cleared and peace quickly returned, a spokesperson said. No one was arrested.

09:30 am: Collision at intersection in Vinkeveen

At an intersection on the N201 near the A2, a car collided with a truck. The driver of the car was injured. There was a traffic jam on the roads around the accident for a long time.

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© PetersHotnews.nl

06:00 am: Flames in fire in container Utrecht

Unknown persons set fire to a construction waste container at Calisthenics Park Oosterspoorbaan last night. The fire was discovered shortly before midnight. The container contained old artificial grass mats, which had been taken from one of the sports fields. Fires were also started on the fields themselves. The fire brigade quickly brought the fire under control.

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© Jeroen

Read yesterday’s 112 news here:
