Province of Utrecht – In this blog we will keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It is an overview of accidents, fires, crimes, traffic jams and malfunctions in the region of Thursday 20 March.
8.30 pm: Boring in Karwei Veenendaal
The Karwei hardware store on Groeneveldselaan in Veenendaal has been robbed. The robber then ran off by bike. The police are looking for the man. It is not known whether and what he has taken. The store employees were not injured.

4.20 pm: More minor shop thieves in Houten
The police in Houten have recently seen that more minors steal things from the store. The teenagers strike in particular during the school breaks. “No matter how tempting this seems, this can have major consequences,” warns the police in Houten. The fine for theft is 181 euros.
3.02 pm: Schuur in Hekendorp burns out
A barn in Hekendorp has completely burned out. When the fire brigade arrived, the evil had already been made.
The environment was not a direct danger, because the shed was completely loose. According to a spokesperson for the Utrecht Safety Region, there was some smoke development, but it was mainly in the direction of the Hollandse IJssel, away from the village.

12.41 pm: Homes evacuated after gas leak
During work on the Oranje Nassaulaan in Zeist, twelve homes were evacuated due to a gas leak. The leak was created after a main line was destroyed during work.
12.09 Wounded in collision Waterlinieweg
A driver was injured in a head-tail collision on the Waterlinieweg in Utrecht. The motorist was transported to the hospital. The police are investigating the accident and are looking for witnesses.
12.08 hours: arsonist catches fire himself
At the Stroyenborchdreef in Utrecht, an awkward arsonist struck last night. Someone set fire to a car there, but possibly also caught fire. The police are therefore looking for a person with burns and burned clothing.
7.10 am: arrest after upset at a fair in Maarssen
During the fair in Maarssen, a boy was arrested on Sunday evening because he insulted enforcers and then resisted his arrest. Enforcers received a report of an upset between young people, where one person behaved aggressively. When he was removed from the site, a security guard felt a knife with the boy.
The security guard called in enforcement to search the boy, but he was not in the mood for that. He resisted and insulted the enforcers, after which the police were also called in. They too did not manage to calm the boy. He was taken to the police station and must answer to the judge soon.
07.04 hours: Stonede Haan found at Coffeeshop
The animal ambulance made a striking find yesterday at Coffeeshop Flamingo in Driebergen. Volunteers met a stoned rooster there. The animal made a very calm impression and therefore the volunteers suspect that De Haan has taken a leftover weed off the ground. After a night in the ambulance, the bird again really showed rooster behavior and was transferred to Animal Protection Center Amersfoort.

Read the 112 news from yesterday here: