Province of Utrecht – In this blog we keep you informed of the 112 news in the province of Utrecht. It is an overview of accidents, fires, crimes, traffic jams and disruptions in the region on Friday 26 July.
4:34 PM: Man (21) arrested for vandalizing graves
Police have arrested a 21-year-old man suspected of vandalizing graves twice at the Daelwijck cemetery in the Utrecht district of Overvecht. The man from Vleuten is said to have struck on the night of 4 or 5 May and then again on 12 May.
3:59 PM: Partner gets 11 years in prison for murder of Rubia
The murder of Rubia from Utrecht is punishable by 11 years in prison. According to the judge, there is no doubt about the perpetrator: it was the woman’s 45-year-old partner. Jurgen G. from Utrecht killed his partner last year with more than fifty stab wounds in her apartment.
2.55 pm: Power outage in Bunschoten over
The power outage that left 645 households without power in Bunschoten is over. The residents had been without power since 11:00 this morning. A few hours later the problems were solved. A supermarket on the Anthon van der Horstlaan was temporarily closed due to the power outage.
2:30 PM: Suspicious situation at bank turns out to be a joke
The suspicious situation at the SNS Bank in Amersfoort appears to be a “poorly executed joke”. This was reported by a police spokesperson. “A lot of people were shocked by this joke. The police also took many risks in traffic by arriving at the scene quickly”, says a police spokesperson. “We are not happy with this behaviour.”
The two men are being reported for disturbing public order. “We are also giving them a severe reprimand. These are not jokes,” says the spokesperson.
1:49 PM: Swastikas found in IJsselstein
Swastikas were found this morning at three locations in IJsselstein. This happened at the Clinckhoeff shopping centre, on the Zomerdijk and the Kerspellaan. The municipality immediately started removing the crosses and will file a report.
12:30: Child stuck in wheel of cargo bike
In an accident on the Hilversumsestraatweg in Baarn this morning, a girl got stuck in the wheel of a cargo bike. Her arm was stuck between the spokes of the wheel, the fire department says. She was not injured.
It is not known how the incident could have happened.
11.19 am: Power outage in Bunschoten
In Bunschoten, approximately 645 households have been without power since 11:19 this morning. This was reported by grid operator Stedin. They expect the outage to be resolved between 14:00 and 15:00 today. A supermarket on Anthon van der Horstlaan was also affected by the power outage. As a result, the supermarket is closed.

11.20 am: 2 suspects arrested at ‘suspicious situation’ in Amersfoort shopping centre
A suspicious situation occurred at Emiclaer shopping centre this morning around 10:30. There may have been a robbery at the SNS Bank building. The police have arrested two suspects.
10:30 am: Arrest of Amersfoort residents for bank card fraud
Last Wednesday, the police arrested two men from Amersfoort for bank helpdesk fraud. This happened in Bergentheim (Overijssel). A 19 and 20-year-old man were caught red-handed with multiple bank cards and a “considerable” amount of money in their pockets. Bank helpdesk fraud is fraud in which someone pretends to be an employee of a bank. In this way, the fraudster can gain access to the bank account of a victim and withdraw money.
07.40 am: Power outage in Soest
Nearly two thousand households had no power this morning in Soest. This is according to grid operator Stedin. The power outage started at 04:13 and was resolved at 07:35. Stedin technicians were present to resolve the outage.
Read yesterday’s 112 news here: