11 weeks of pregnancy (13 weeks): sex of the baby, announcement

11 weeks of pregnancy 13 weeks sex of the baby

During this 11th week of pregnancy, you could have your very first ultrasound (if you have not had it in the previous weeks). The opportunity to know (perhaps) the sex of the baby and to announce your pregnancy to those around you. Symptoms, size of the foetus, echo… The advice of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife on this 13th SA.

During your 11th week of pregnancyi.e. 3 and a half months, the production of hormones decreases, which makes it possible to attenuate the vomiting and nausea of the first months. You regain a little more appetite and you will feel in better shape than in previous weeks. Nevertheless, fatigue is still present at 11 weeks of pregnancy (or 13 SA). If you have not yet made your first trimester ultrasound, it’s time to pass it. You might have the chance to find out the sex of the baby. Couples generally wait for the results of this first ultrasound before announcing the happy news to those around them. Find all our pregnancy announcement ideas as well as the advice of midwife Anh-Chi Ton, on this eleventh week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

At 11 weeks of pregnancy or 13 weeks of amenorrhea (13 SA), you are in the middle of your third month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

Pregnancy, even if it goes very well, puts your body to the test! All of this is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. “Just take the opportunity to rest as much as possible, as soon as you can. Also, if the nausea and vomiting tends to subside, your uterus continues to grow, and your blood volume increases, which can cause shortness of breath on the slightest exertion, a faster heart rate, and more profuse sweating“. observes the midwife.

When does nausea stop during pregnancy?

Nausea, vomiting, disgust when faced with certain foods… early pregnancy, you may have noticed a decrease in appetite. But at 11 weeks of pregnancy, with the slowdown in the production of certain hormones, things begin to return to normal. You may even have already rediscovered the pleasure of eating! Generally, nausea begins to disappear in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, i.e. from the 4th month. Still a little patience if you still suffer from nausea… Do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about it.

What to eat at 11 weeks pregnant?

It is completely normal to eat a little more during pregnancy but pay attention to don’t “eat for two”. The goal is to eat better, healthier, and to try to vary your diet as much as possible by favoring healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, etc.) and not too fatty. Make real snacks in the middle of the morning and in the afternoon if you have a little peckish, with a dairy product and a fruit for example but avoiding rushing on pastries.

How is the belly at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, it is common for the belly to “pop out” all of a sudden. after the first ultrasound of pregnancy. Baby takes his ease and you are finally reassured about his development. Your belly is rounding now noticeably and you feel cramped in your pants. A little shopping session is essential and will allow you to find clothes adapted to your new morphology in which you will feel comfortable.

What is detected during the 1st trimester ultrasound?

During the first trimester ultrasound, the doctor measured your baby’s nuchal translucency and did a blood test to determine what are called serum markers. These two results combined with your age allowed him to assess the risk that your child is carrying a Trisomy 21. “Depending on the result and the level of risk, other examinations may be proposed. Between 1 and 50, we propose a one trophoblast biopsy. The latter can be carried out at an early stage of pregnancy by taking a small piece of the trophoblast to establish a karyotype. When the pregnancy is more advanced, we realize amniocentesis by taking some amniotic fluid for analysis.”, explains the midwife.

Can we know if it is a girl or a boy?

It is possible that the doctor has already formed some idea of ​​the your baby’s sex observing the angle of the genital tubercle. If you asked him during first trimester ultrasoundhe may have already given you his feelings, nevertheless warning you: the news can only be confirmed with certainty when morphological ultrasound. “At this stage, there is about 70% certainty if the doctor sees something. But there is still a large margin of error“, specifies Anh-Chi Ton.

“At this stage, there is about 70% certainty if the doctor sees the sex of the baby on the ultrasound. But there is still a significant margin of error”.

What is the risk of miscarriage at 13 WA?

At this stage of pregnancy, which soon comes to the end of the 3rd month, the risk of miscarriage has decreased significantly.

How does the fetus develop at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

In this middle of third month of pregnancy, your baby’s bone growth continues.

  • Its various organsnow fully operational, continue to develop at their own pace.
  • Your baby’s bones continue to form and solidify. At this stage, the bones of the pelvis and the ribs of your baby appear, the spinal column consolidates and the cartilages assemble little by little to articulate.
  • His head remains bulky but is a bit more proportionate to the rest of the body.
  • Its skin begins to be covered with a very fine down, called lanugowhich will fall off naturally at birth.
  • Your baby’s nerve cells continue to multiply at a very rapid pace, but it will still take some time before the brain really takes control.
  • Other vital organs, the intestines begin to integrate their final place in the belly of your baby.
  • THE exchanges between you and your baby, via the placenta, are developing rapidly. He now receives food and oxygen thanks to him, and can evacuate his waste.

What is the size of the fetus?

Your baby is now approx. 8.5cm and weighs about forty grams.

How to announce your pregnancy to your loved ones?

After last week’s euphoria and the discovery of the first pictures of your baby during the ultrasound, you can now think about theannouncing your pregnancy to your loved ones. Indeed, now that you are reassured about baby’s good development, it may be the perfect time to announce your pregnancy around you (the closest people have certainly already been notified!). Here are some original ideas for pregnancy announcements to mark the spirits:

Our advice before the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy

In terms of organization to prepare for the arrival of baby, start learning about items that might be useful to you when your baby is born. Do you have a baby room to put it in? Are works necessary? “Pay attention, for example, to the choice of paint and materials for the baby’s room. Some materials require ventilation for several weeks. It is therefore better to start early if you are planning work .”, recalls the midwife.

What equipment can you collect from loved ones, and what equipment should you buy: stroller, carrycot, car seat, bed, baby clothes…? Is your car big enough to accommodate a baby? So many questions to ask yourself before the birth. Take the time to think about it.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
