11 Science-Proven Poses to Look Smart Without Saying a Word

11 Science Proven Poses to Look Smart Without Saying a Word

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    It’s not just conversations or clever words that can make a good impression on those around you. According to science, there are 11 ways you can be smart in life. Here they are.

    Anyone can make a good impression and show a sharp mind, even if you are shy and don’t know the right words. According to the media outlet Your tangothere are even 11 ways to show intelligence differently, while remaining yourself.

    Listen actively when others are speaking

    People who are good listeners tend to be seen as more intelligent. According to a Harvard study, those who engage in active listening are perceived as “more competent, more likeable, and more trustworthy by others.” To do this, simply be present and allow the person speaking to fully express their point of view. Then ask yourself what is the point of their comment? Is this person missing something? Now that’s a meaningful exchange.

    Use body language

    Body language matters too. Depending on how you speak and hold yourself, you can appear more confident and assertive, and therefore more trustworthy. And it works like a virtuous circle: the more confident you become, the more you’ll be able to quiet the inner voice that says, “I can not do it“.

    Show empathy

    Don’t underestimate the power of empathy! According to Harvard Business School, “Self-awareness and empathy are essential to building a strong framework of iemotional intelligence“. And while emotional intelligence is different from IQ, this skill helps you appear intelligent. After all, seeing things in a different light will help you get through difficult situations.

    Use self-control

    Being in control of yourself is a superpower in all areas of life. Not only does it show that you have boundaries and expectations, it also proves how resilient and in control you are of what you can and cannot do. Self-control therefore reveals your ability to make the best decisions for yourself.

    Pay attention to details

    Anyone who has ever held a job knows how important details are. And in case you haven’t noticed, those who are detail-oriented tend to be more respected at work. This shows that they have an eye for things that many others might not notice, think through all the possible outcomes, and execute the best possible solution. This makes these individuals appear very intelligent.

    Read regularly

    Reading has several benefits. Not only is reading regularly “associated with vocabulary, general knowledge and verbal skills” according to studies; but it also affects your image. People tend to automatically assume that you are more intelligent when they catch you reading in public. Enough to always have a book in hand.

    Stay calm under pressure

    It’s not for everyone, but people who remain calm under pressure simply appear more competent than others. They appear confident, competent, and reliable. The best part? They also know how to put those around you at ease. When you are seen as keeping a cool head in difficult situations, you appear grounded and intelligent.

    be patient

    Studies have also shown that intelligent people tend to be more patient. Indeed, being patient is not easy, but it shows that you can handle anything that comes your way. If you are impatient, you would be wise to try to calm your nerves, for example with meditation.

    Stay open-minded

    If you want to come across as highly intelligent, it is best to be more open-minded. This means that you are able to abandon your old ways of thinking to broaden your horizons.

    According to another study, open-mindedness is linked to intelligence and divergent thinking, so don’t be afraid to explore different points of view or talk to people with opposing views.

    Dress in style

    While you can’t tell anyone what to wear, the way you dress greatly influences how people perceive you. And yes, when people first meet you, they make assumptions about your character and this leads them to judge you based on your outward appearance. Dressing well doesn’t mean you have to throw out your entire wardrobe. But wearing something simple and elegant can give a positive impression of you.

    Feel good in your body, feel good in your head!

    Be well-mannered

    Always do your best to be polite, because intelligent people often have good manners. In society, these are often inseparable from an idea of ​​refinement and respect. However, it is not enough to say “please” or “thank you”, but to behave with kindness and consideration.

    The 8 forms of intelligence

    Slideshow: The 8 forms of intelligence
