11 grandmother’s remedies to lower your blood sugar

11 grandmothers remedies to lower your blood sugar

We don’t always think about it, but certain remedies exist to lower blood sugar levels, i.e. blood sugar levels.

When fasting, normal blood sugar is between 0.7 and 1.10 g/L. Beyond that, we talk hyperglycemia. This can be transient or become chronic. To limit the risk of complications linked to diabetes, in particular cardiac, cerebral, kidneys and eyes, it is important to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Here are effective remedies, accessible to everyone, recommended by Véronique Liesse, dietitian-nutritionist.

Spinach to combine with whole grains

Spinach is vegetables rich in magnesium, a mineral that contributes to lower blood sugar levels. Spinach is also rich in alphalipolic acid which improves insulin sensitivity. We will combine it with a complete or semi-complete cereal (quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice) to lower the glycemic index. Note that it is advisable to eat vegetables at the start of the meal and finish with starchy foods to “that the rise in blood sugar is less rapid” explains the specialist. As starchy foods, we choose foods with a low glycemic load as legumes.

Cinnamon and ginger: two effective spices

Cinnamon is a real ally for lowering blood sugar and stabilizing it, cinnamon can be consumed in infusion (a stick is left to infuse), in dry extract, in capsules or powder. We can take three large cups a day. Ginger regulates appetite and lowers blood sugar levels. In dishes, in infusion with a root or even in capsules if you don’t like the taste.

Lemon juice, an excellent liver drainer

Lemon juice has the ability to reduce the glycemic index of foods and is an excellent liver drainer. It can be added to all dishes.

Garlic increases insulin secretion

Garlic: in addition to being an excellent plant for health, garlic has a hypoglycemic action. Consuming it regularly increases the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and thus reduces blood sugar levels.

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Apple cider vinegar and/or green tea during meals

Apple cider vinegar helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is interesting to put a tablespoon in each dish. Some people even drink it pure Before the meal. As for green tea, it is its polyphenols which are useful for limiting the rise in blood sugar levels. The best would be to end your meal with this drink to have a real effect on the sugar level (without sugaring the tea of ​​course).

Cook your rice the day before

What is interesting is to cook foods that contain starch the day before, put them in the fridge and eat them cold the next day. For what ? “Because the starch will change into resistant starch because we do not have the enzymes necessary to digest it, so as it is less digested, it will raise blood sugar levels less. It will be found in the colon and play a prebiotic role by improving the microbiota“, argues the dietician-nutritionist.

Sport to absorb more glucose

“OI know that the more muscular we are, the more muscular surface area we have capable of absorbing glucose“, explains the dietitian-nutritionist. Physical activity, practiced regularly, is fundamental because it allows glucose receptors to be much more efficient without the need for insulin. And this is all the more so if physical activity is practiced before meals.

Yoga to manage stress

Cortisol, the stress hormone, increases blood sugar secretion. To manage your stress, there’s nothing like meditation, yoga or even sophrology. There cardiac coherence also works very well because it helps reduce cortisol levels.

Thanks to Véronique Liesse, dietician-nutritionist, author of Mon microbiote tailor-made (Ed. Leduc), as well as to Alexia Karako, naturopath
