We have collected poorly translated film titles in a list for you. You can find a total of 11 different films here, some of which were given completely new and bizarre names in the German version.
What are these movie titles? The selection of the titles was made on the basis of the editors. We’ve collected some of our personal favorite badly translated movie titles.
1. Two Glorious Scoundrels (1966)
German trailer for the spaghetti western “Two Glorious Scoundrels”
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The three people from the original title Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo and the English translation The Good, the Bad and the Ugly were probably one too many for the German version, in which only von “Two glorious scoundrels” is the speech.
The film is a spaghetti western in which three people team up to find a cash box worth $200,000. However, each of them wants to collect all the money for themselves.
2. Baymax – Huge Robowabohu (2015)
English trailer for the Disney film “Baymax – Giant Robowabohu”
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In German, the simple Big Hero 6 becomes a title with a special play on words: Baymax – Huge Robowabohu.
The film is about the friendship between the boy Hiro Hamada and the inflatable robot Baymax, who has the task of helping his owner when he is not feeling well. Together with Hiro’s friends, they must form a group of heroes to save their hometown.
If you’re wondering why such title changes sometimes happen at all, then have a look at our colleagues from Fimstarts here, who will explain the reasons behind the renaming.