Another Case of Measles has the Local Health Unit Warning the Public They May Have Been Exposed to the Virus at a Brantford Medical Center and A Simcoe School.
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This brings the Number of Measles Cases in the Grand Erie Public Health (Geph) Area to 10 With the Latest a Child from Haldimand-Norfolk who is Recovering from home.
Measles is a highly contagious virus that can affect people up to 21 days after exhibition and be passed on through the briefest of connections.
“Geph is currently reaching out to individuals who may have been exhibitions to the measles virus through this case,” Said a News Release Saturdy Morning.
The Health Unit Determined The Public Could Have Been Exposed at The Gray Gretzky Medical Center, 422 Gray St. in Brantford on Jan. 22 BETWEEN 10:45 am and 2:45 pm and at Bethel Baptist School, 4059 Highway 3 East, in Simcoe from Jan. 20 to Jan 21.
Anyone who may have been exposed to the virus at those rentals is give this advice:
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- ** Place Women, Infants and Anyone With A Weakened Immune System Should Contact Their Healthcare Provider Immondately by Phone, As Those with a High Risk May be Eligible to get a Medication Called immune Globulin Within Six Days of Exposure, Preventing or Reducing the Severity of Severity of Severity of Severity The infection.
- ** Vaccination Records SHOULD BE CHECKED TO Confirm the Person Exposed and Their Family Members Are Up To Date With the MMR OR MMRV Vaccines. Two Doses of A Measles Vaccine is recommended for those born in or after 1970. Those Born Before 1970 Are Generally Considered Against Measles.
In Ontario, Children are Normally Vaccinated With the Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine First At 12 Months and Again Between the Ages of 4 and 6 With A Vaccine That include variclla.
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- ** Monitor for symptoms for 21 days after the exposure, even if up to date with a vaccine, inducing a red rash, fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and fatigue.
Symptoms can start about 10 days after exposure but can also appear seven to 21 days after breathing in the virus. Symptoms Last One To Two Weeks.
A person with measles is contagious from Four Days before to oven days after the rash appears.
People are reminded that if they suspect measles, they should phone their healthcare provider Immodely telling them about possible exhibition to measles. They should not go to work or school.
If someone doesn’t have a healthcare provider, or if that facility isn’t available, they should call the health unit, eITher the Brantford-Brant Office at 519-753-4937, ext 454 or the Haldimand-Norfolk Office at 519- 426-6170 or 905-318-6623.
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Measles is so contagious due to the virus’s ability to the air for up to two hours after a person has coughed or sneezed. It is also spread by droplet contact.
Canada Declared Measles “Eliminated” 25 Years AGO but there are still occasion, Particularly in the Unvaccinated or Under-Vaccinated and Those Travelling to Areas where Measles has not ben been eliminated.
This set of Measles was First reported in Haldimand, Norfolk, and Brant Areas on Jan. 10 and have been traced back to three people.
Earlier, The Health Unit Warned People they may have come into contact with the virus at the following spots:
- – Tahini’s, 440 Colborne St. W. or Momoko Snacks Land, 75 Dalhousie St., Unit 104, on Jan. 16 Between 4-6 PM
- -White Horse Bowling, 80 Davis St. E., Simcoe, Jan 18 Between 6: 45-11 PM
- – Tillsonburg district Memorial Hospital Er, Jan. 14 Between 7: 30-10 PM
- – Roulston’s Pharmacy, 65 Donly Dr. N., Simcoe Jan. 14 from 5 pm to close.
Southwestern Public Health also Warned of these exhibits:
– Woodstock Hospital er from Jan. 15 at 9:30 pm to Jan. 16 at 1:45 am
– Alexandra Hospital from Midnight Jan. 17 to 2:13 am Jan. 18.
Measles can cause Severe Complications and Even Death.
Before the Vaccine was introduced in 1963, there Were Major Epidemics of Measles Every Two or Three Years, Causing an Estimated 2.6 Million Deaths a Year.
According to the World Health Organization, There Were 107,500 Global Deaths from Measles in 2023, Mostly Young Children.