100 years after Season 1, humanity is struggling to survive

100 years after Season 1 humanity is struggling to survive

You can experience visually stunning science fiction entertainment in cinema format on Apple TV+. The Foundation series, which is still considered an insider tip in this country, streams here. Season 2 starts on July 14, 2023 with an Apple TV+ subscription. The action of the sequel takes place a full 100 years later.

In Season 2 Foundation, tensions rise in the galaxy

The sequel takes place over a century after the end of Season 1. Meanwhile, the Foundation has entered its religious phase, unleashing a war with the Empire. Again, it’s about the story of a Group of exiles transcending space and time. Once again, the fate of humanity itself is at stake.

Foundation Season 2 includes 10 episodes in total. The first will be released on Apple TV+ on July 14, 2023, with one each week thereafter. You can already catch up on season 1 of the sci-fi insider tip with an Apple TV+ subscription.

Podcast: The 20 Best Series Launches of July on Netflix, Amazon and More

Need more fresh streaming tips? You can find the most exciting July series that you can stream on Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+ and more here in the monthly preview:

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We have checked the long starting lists of the streaming services and present you the 20 big highlights of the month in the Moviepilot podcast stream trawl. There are three big fantasy returnees on Netflix and Amazon as well as a sci-fi epic that hardly anyone knows. In addition to insider tips, there is also a reunion with Futurama and Sylvester Stallone’s own reality show.

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