100 Women support Imagination Library

100 Women support Imagination Library

A group of charitably-minded woman is back to in-person meetings for the first time in two-and-a-half years.

The Norfolk chapter of 100 Women Who Care – a group that wants to assist Norfolk County charities but not be burdened by club time demands and responsibilities – recently turned over $16,700 to the Friends of the Library Norfolk for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library – a program that mails out about 400 books to young Norfolk children each month.

The free program for registered children promotes literacy and creates excitement about family reading.

The donation was pitched as part of the standard operating procedure of the club: there are four annual meetings where members each donate $100.

Three people present the case for the donation to go toward their favored charity and members hold a secret vote to determine who will get the funds.

In this case, Nancy Sherwin successfully made the case for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.

Library board member Dianne Lefler said the monthly book program has made a huge difference to area youngsters.

“These are age-appropriate books chosen by a professional selection committee that includes high-quality books with Canadian content and by Canadian authors,” she said in a media release.

“The books are more than just books. They provide some guidance for the parents on how to encourage reading, ideas on how to approach reading and suggestions for conversations after reading the books.”

The inspiration comes from founder Parton, who has said if you can read, you can do anything, dream anything and be anything.

Since launching the Imagination Library at the beginning of 2018, 17,000 books have been delivered to local children.

“It costs $50 per child per year,” said Julie Kent, CEO of the Norfolk County Public Library.

“This precious money will ensure at least another 50 Norfolk children on the waiting list are now included in the program.”

The other charities that were promoted at the November meeting of 100 Women Who Care were Lynnwood Arts, presented by Mary Winter and the Waterford Skate Park by Jill Chuli.

To learn more about the organization, which has more than 100 participants and is always welcoming new members, go to www.100womenwhocarenorfolk.ca.

[email protected]



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