100 million euros more to rehabilitate brownfields

100 million euros more to rehabilitate brownfields

This is the announcement made by the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, during a trip on Saturday January 7 to the former Cosserat textile factory in Amiens. Objective: fight against the artificialization of soils and its risks for the environment.

This new envelope of 100 million euros brings the fund dedicated to the rehabilitation of 100,000 housing units to 750 million. As part of its “2021-2022 wasteland plan”, the executive wants to recycle abandoned housing and wasteland, from which it is generally complicated to rebuild, because it is necessary to destroy and clean up.

This fund has already contributed to a thousand projects and will probably be perpetuated until 2026.

The textile factory specializing in velvet, abandoned twenty years ago, which the Prime Minister visited in Amiens, will be transformed into 34,000 square meters of new construction, by 2025, with nearly 400 housing units, offices and shops.

The conversion of wasteland is also one of the government’s levers to achieve “zero artificialization” by 2050. In France, between 20,000 and 30,000 hectares of natural spaces are artificialized each year. It is one of the main causes of climate change, erosion and loss of biodiversity.

