10 year old perk came back with CoD MW2

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

An old perk from Call of Duty came back with Modern Warfare 2 and looks nice at first glance: you can get up again after being KO’d. But for many players, this ability means nothing more than total frustration.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has had to take a lot of criticism for gameplay choices. Especially the players who are a lot in the shooter criticize a progressive “casualization” – they don’t want CoD to become easier and easier, there should be so-called “skill gaps”.

As part of this development, one can see the return of the hated perk Last Stand. In CoD MW2 it is called “survival artist” and gives players one self-revival per life when the perk is charged.

But then as now, the perk was heavily criticized, even hated. We show you why that is and what players say about it.

By the way, a double XP event begins in CoD MW2 with the start of the mid-season. In the video you will find a few tips for your weapon levels:

CoD MW2: 3 tips to quickly level up your weapons

Last Stand – A trigger topic then as now

What’s the problem with the perk? While the ability has its appeal for downed players, it’s attackers who rail against “survivors.”

In CoD MW2, this is no longer so much because the downed opponents have an extra life. It’s more of the complete way the perk works:

  • You don’t get the kill if someone else takes down the downed player
  • Survivalist enemy kills do not count toward camo challenges
  • Enemies are invulnerable for a brief moment when they go down
  • What do players say about this? There is currently a very popular thread on the subject in the Modern Warfare 2 subreddit. Within 21 hours, the thread had 1,800 upvotes and collected 335 comments (12/12/22 / 4:00 p.m.).

    The title: “For the people who use survivalists: I wish you all only the worst”.

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    Users discuss the above issues with the perk and you can feel the charged vibes. It’s a little surprising that the tone of the thread is quite moderate. Many say that they actually “hate” the perk, but remain relatively relaxed in their explanations.

    For example, user “kefefs”: “The only thing I hate about survivors is the short invulnerability when opponents go into the KO phase”. If you then want to finish the job, you lose valuable moments and ammunition.

    The most upvoted comment in the thread revolves around the issue of who counts the kill. “Phuzz15” gets over 1,200 upvotes: “I’m just sick of KOing someone and when a teammate takes them down, they get the kill.”

    The fact that many users in the thread talk rather calmly despite the charged topic could be due to the long history of the perk.

    When Modern Warfare 3 (2011) was released, the CoD developers received thunderous applause for the announcement that the hated perk was not in the game. “Fuck Last Stand” was the name of the developers themselves at the time:

    Fuck Last Stand, Final Stand, Second Chance, and Dead Man’s Hand pic.twitter.com/7ckkrJSy6O

    — Greggs ?? (@Greggs_) March 14, 2022

    Give us your opinion on the topic. How do you feel about “survivalist”? Is there a perk that you miss from the past or that gets on your nerves in a similar way? Write a comment on the topic.

    If you would rather find out about the upcoming Mid-Season 1, then have a look here: CoD MW2 & Warzone 2: Mid-Season 1 starts brings Shipment – Start & Content
