10 things you should always wash before first use

10 things you should always wash before first use

There are a number of things in the home that you need to wash at regular intervals.

An example of this is your bedding, which should be changed at least every fortnight.

The reason is that hair products get stuck in the pillowcase, as well as fat from the skin, both of which cause impurity. Should the bedding be changed less often than that, there is an imminent risk of bacteria forming and growing. One such example is mites that like to live in dirty textiles.

READ MORE: The disgusting reason – that’s why you should change your bedclothes every week

Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT Yellow spots on the pillow? That’s the disgusting reason

When you have washed the bedclothes with a clear conscience, it may also be time to clean the pillows, which tend to become yellow-stained.

But why do yellow spots form on the pillow?

The disgusting truth is that it is body fluids such as sweat, drool and fat residue that the pillow absorbs. It then settles as a yellow layer on your pillow.

By mixing bicarbonate, vinegar and water, you can apply it to the yellow area and wash off after a while. You can also try washing the pillow in the washing machine. Then you should put a couple of tennis balls inside so that the stuffing doesn’t pile up.

READ MORE: The disgusting reason – that’s why you have yellow spots on the pillow

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTTWash before first use

When new garments or other textiles are purchased, there are certainly many people who would like to use them as soon as possible. But the fact is that waiting and washing them first can be a big advantage.

Thus, it is important to know what type of textiles do well with a wash before use and why. So also not to wash different fabrics together – then you risk tearing them.

In the best of worlds, it would therefore have been easiest that everything could be thrown into a machine where you can then press play. But you simply shouldn’t – for several reasons.

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Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT10 things you should always wash first

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has, together with the Chemicals Inspectorate and the Swedish Consumer Agency, created the booklet “Textile-smart tips and advice for consumers”. There they write, among other things, that if you buy clothes or other textiles for your child, they should always be washed first. The reason is that children are particularly sensitive to chemicals that may be in the fabric.

However, it is not only clothes that should be washed before use. Strongly colored fabric should always be washed first and then separately to avoid the risk of staining other fabrics in the machine.

“Some items in your home, such as textiles and electronics, may contain small amounts of harmful chemicals,” writes the Chemicals Agency on its website.

10 things you should always wash before use:

  • Jeans.
  • Sweaters.
  • T-shirts.
  • Shirts.
  • Children’s clothing.
  • Stuffed animal.
  • Textiles that are strongly colored.
  • Sheets and bedding.
  • Towels.
  • Cushion cover.
  • Source: 1177, The Swedish Chemicals Agency, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

    READ MORE: This is why there are holes in your clothes after washing – 5 mistakes
