10 natural remedies for the flu

10 natural remedies for the flu

The number of flu cases is increasing! Cough, fever… Here are grandmother’s remedies to fight flu symptoms and boost your body!

2 to 6 million French people are affected by the flu every year. It’s your turn ? In addition to the restit is good to have at your side some grandmother’s remedies to help you better cope with distressing flu symptoms. Garlic, lemon, honey… Tour des flu remedies with Daniel Caroff, naturopathic doctor.

1. Garlic herbal teas

Garlic can be a great help during a flu. Very rich in sulfurthis food has strong anti-inflammatory properties. People who have an ENT inflammation (runny nose for example) or at the level of the respiratory system can also take sulfur delivered in the form of ampoules. It is also possible to drink garlic herbal teas in the form of an infusion, several times a day. It is advisable to use fermented black garlic instead, which has the same properties but has a more pleasant taste.

2. Cold or lukewarm lemon juice

Lemon is rich in vitamin C which is itself anti viral. Consuming it in a glass of cold or lukewarm water is a good idea. but, in herbal tea, this is useless because the vitamin C is killed by the high temperature of the water. We avoid herbal teas lemon only. Can also use lemon essential oil whose “them respiratory antiseptic properties are demonstrated and put to good use in certain hospitals via sanitizing atmospheric diffusions” underline Drs Françoise Couic Marinier and Anthony Touboul in their book “Treat everything with 16 essential oils”. Mix 5 drops of lemon EO, 5 drops of radiated eucalytus EO and 5 drops of ravintsara EO. Diffuse the mixture 15 minutes per hour, 3 to 4 times a day from 12 years old or 5 minutes per hour from 6 years old. “For children under 6 years old, the broadcast is for 5 minutes in their absence. explain the two authors.

3. A honey toddy

The flu often leads to inflammation of the throat. Honey can then soothe this pain. For example, you can prepare a soothing grog: Put 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1/2 pinch of cinnamon powder, 1 pinch of ginger powder in a cup and pour simmering water.

4. Herbal tea with ginger slices

“In Chinese medicine, ginger is widely used to treat flu-like illness”, says Dr. Daniel Caroff, general practitioner and naturopath. It contains an essential oil whose properties are immunostimulant. “The fresh ginger also has an antiviral action on the flu virus.” In case of fever and/or cold: let infuse for ten minutes one or two slices of fresh ginger with a piece of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. Add a little honey before drinking if desired. Ginger can be used by pregnant women from the first months of pregnancy. If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask a pharmacist.

5. Elderberry syrup

“During a flu, the cough which is initially dry becomes oily because of the mucus secreted in the respiratory tract”, explains Daniel Caroff. In order to make this troublesome cough disappear, it is then necessary to use mucolytic products like elderberry. “Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) acts on respiratory infections. It causes sweating in case of fever, is digestive and diuretic and allows strengthen the immune systemadd the nutritionist trained in herbal medicine Caroline Gayet and the herbalist Michel Pierre in their book “Les secrets de mon herboristerie”. To boost your immune system : mix 20g eleutherococcus root, 20g echinacea root, 20g rosemary leaves, 20g elderflower and 20g rosehip bark. Put a tablespoon of the mixture in 25 cl for prevention or 4 tablespoons in 1 liter of cold water as a cure, to do in decoction 3 minutes then infuse 10 minutes. Filter and drink over the duration of symptoms or a cup a day to prevent recurrences in cure of 3 weeks per month.

6. Ginseng root

This adaptogenic plant is not antiviral but can be taken to prevent the flu to strengthen your immunity or after the flu to regain the energy lost during the period of illness. Buy ginseng in herbalism in the form of dried rootit can be consumed in decoction at the rate of1 gram of root per day. It can also be found in pharmacies in the form of capsules or tablets containing its powdered root. Ginseng is also prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women and non-pubescent children.

7. Essential oil of eucalyptus disbarred

Eucalyptus radiata essential oil is antibacterial and antiviral. It also has expectorant, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effects, especially at the ENT level, hence the fact that it is recommended in case of flu.. “It should also be noted that this essential oil stimulates the immune system” emphasize Drs. Couic-Marinier and Touboul. In adults, pour 2 drops of eucalyptus EO in a teaspoon of honey morning, noon and evening for 7 days. We can alsouse in massage on the upper chest because of 6 drops in a little vegetable oil (macadamia for example), 1 to 3 times a day for 5 to 7 days. During pregnancy, essential oils are contraindicated during the first trimester. Afterwards, you have to ask the doctor as a precaution.

8. Ravintsara essential oil

This is the essential oil the most antiviral but it often needs to be combined with another oil such as Tea Tree. Just mix 3 drops in a spoon of honey about 3 times a day. She can also be applied inside the wrists, on the thorax, or on the soles of the feet for people sensitive to the smell. Ravintsara essential oil should not be used in children under 3 years old and in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

9. Echinacea rather in prevention

Immunostimulant, Echinacea is take for prevention, from October to February.It’s 90% effective, especially in children.” says the doctor. In treatment, mix 1ml for 10 kgs in a little water (5 ml for adults) 5 days out of 7 over a period of 3 weeks per month.

10. Why not homeopathy?

“If you suffer from the flu, it is possible to take homeopathy but at the first symptoms“, says the naturopathic doctor. In prevention, Influenzinum is effective if 10 granules are ingested per week alternately with Yersin serum. Other homeopathic preparations are effective:

  • Infludo, from the Weleda laboratory (contains a little alcohol so is not recommended for people suffering from alcoholism)
  • L52 from the Lehning laboratory (contains a little alcohol so is not recommended for people suffering from alcoholism)
  • Oscillococcinum, at Boiron (made of Muscovy duck liver). Pregnant women should avoid consuming it.


“Treat everything with 15 essential oils” Drs Françoise Couic Marinier and Anthony Touboul, 2019.

“The secrets of my herbalism”Caroline Gayet and Michel Pierre, InterEditions, 2019.

Thanks to Daniel Caroff, naturopathic doctor and author of the book Living Earth Guide to Naturopathy (Living Earth editions).
