10 foods to raise your blood pressure

10 foods to raise your blood pressure

Some foods can raise blood pressure quickly, especially if blood pressure is too low. Especially those that contain potassium, sodium and magnesium.

Paleness, loss of balance, dizziness, nausea, sensation of a black veil in front of the eyes… And if it were a voltage drop ? A chronic hypotension should lead to a doctor’s consultation. But when it occurs, diet has a role to play and can help to quickly raise blood pressure. “Potassium, magnesium and sodium are the three minerals that help raise blood pressure“, immediately enlightens Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist. List of 10 foods that can raise blood pressure.

1. Cheese

To compensate for a drop in blood pressure, you should increase your sodium intake and therefore choose foods that are naturally salty, such as a portion of cheese for example. The idea is not to go for salty, fatty and processed snacks, such as packets of crisps, but rather on healthy products“, indicates our interlocutor. Among the saltiest cheeses:

  • Mimolette (old)
  • Blue Auvergne
  • Roquefort
  • Feta cheese
  • Edam
  • Fourme d’Ambert

2. Smoked salmon

Naturally rich in salt (784 mg of sodium per 100 grams), smoked salmon can quickly raise blood pressure“, advises our specialist. Conversely, people with hypertension should limit their consumption.

3. Graubünden meat

Graubünden meat (beef cured with salt, alpine herbs and spices) is a so-called light charcuteriebecause it is low in fat and helps maintain normal blood pressure“, details Raphaël Gruman.

4. Bresaola

Bresaola (beef air-dried and salted until dark red) is a deli meat that stays healthy, lean, tender, and provides a little tension relief“, indicates our interlocutor.

5. Almonds

Dried fruits, like the almonds are a good source of potassium, a mineral that can be interesting in the event of a voltage drop. A small handful of lightly salted almonds (for sodium and potassium intake), mixed with a handful of raisins (for magnesium and potassium intake), constitutes a good idea for an afternoon snack for example“.

6. Banana

In principle, few fruits allow to raise the tensionhe says. However, fruits like the banana brings potassium and magnesium, which will help to raise the tension. Sugar also tends to raise blood pressure. More generally, what will make it possible to avoid voltage drops is to have regular carbohydrate intake. In other words, avoid periods of carbohydrate deficiency. Having a snack in the middle of the day, for example, helps to avoid blood pressure drops.”

7. Dark chocolate 70%

Due to its magnesium and potassium content, dark chocolate, in moderate portions and at least 70% cocoais interesting to lower the tension”, reveals the dietitian-nutritionist. A study published in the journal American Heart Association* showed that dark chocolate was able toimprove the passage of blood through the arterieswithout increasing the blood pressure to too high levels, in particular thanks to its content of theobromine, molecule very close to caffeine.

8. Red meat

Iron, contained in red meat (beef, lamb, veal) would have a positive effect on blood pressure. It is still advisable to limit its consumption to 3 servings of 85 g per week (National Cancer Institute and Anses) and choose the least processed meat possible (avoid salami, bacon, hot dog sausage…).

9. Sparkling water

In the event of a drop in blood pressure, it is important to drink lots of water. Dehydration can cause a drop in blood pressure. You must therefore ensure that you have at least 2 liters of water per day (all drinks combined: still water, herbal teas, infused water…). Naturally salty carbonated waters such as Vichy Celestins or the St. Yorre are interesting in the event of a drop in voltage because they allow you to have sodium intake quicklyadvocates Raphaël Gruman. In contrast, avoid energy or sports drinks such as Powerade©, which are sweet and chemical. Some contain taurine which can cause hypertension

Drink idea to quickly raise your blood pressure: dilute a briquette of fruit juice (grape juice or apple juice) in a 1.5 L bottle of water and add two pinches of salt. Mix and drink little by little.

10. Coffee

Coffee raises blood pressure a bit“, says our expert. Several studies, including an appearance in Nature Medicineindicate that caffeine would keep blood vessels more elastic and healthier and help to increase blood pressure in the short term, without having a hypertensive effect.

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.

*Source : Effects on Peripheral and Central Blood Pressure of Cocoa With Natural or High-Dose TheobromineOriginal publication: September 7, 2010 / Journal of the American Heart Association
