10 effective natural remedies for psoriasis

10 effective natural remedies for psoriasis

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease that is difficult to get rid of. Here are the best plants, herbal teas and essential oils that help alleviate it.

The natural approach is completely compatible with medical monitoring to relieve and support people prone to psoriasis, immediately indicates Amélie Mounier, naturopath. These methods have demonstrated their effectiveness with interesting and lasting results. Nevertheless, it does not replace medical advice and it is imperative to consult a specialist at the first symptoms before using plants.” At the same time, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle (diet, sleep, physical exercise adapted to your needs, etc.). But also to work on managing your emotions, which are often the cause of this disorder. Tour of natural solutions in case of psoriasis.

1. Burdock

Burdock and wild pansy have purifying properties for the skin, and stimulate the renewal of the epidermis“, underlines Amélie Mounier, naturopath, which is therefore suitable in case of psoriasis.

2. Stinging nettle

Stinging nettle, also depurative, will promote the elimination of acids. When combined with wild pansy, it improves the appearance of the skin. Nettle also has a remineralizing effect, interesting for people prone to psoriasis who have an acid soil, often associated with poorer assimilation and loss of minerals.

3. Sarsaparilla

Sarsaparilla is a depurative plant, sweat which promotes perspiration and helps eliminate crystalloidal substances (toxic and acidic toxins) through the skin.

4. Calendula

Marigold, or calendula brings its softening and healing properties. “If psoriasis is related to chronic stress or strong emotion, add passionflower for a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system“, recommends the naturopath.

► For the preparation: “there are mixtures of the plants mentioned above all ready in herbalism or have the mixture prepared by a professional for a fair dosage. In herbal tea in infusion: put 1 tablespoon of the mixture for a cup of water, let infuse 10- 15 min. Drink 2-3 cups a day, outside of meals”, advises the naturopath.

5. Cedar Bud

The cedar bud complements the infusion. It is a good skin healer and regenerator against the problems of skin dryness. The results obtained are quite fast. However, if no improvement is observed after a cure, it is because it is not appropriate for the problem encountered.“, she specifies. For the dosage, refer to the recommendations according to the chosen product. “It is necessary to make a 21 day treatment, at the rate of 2 doses per day without meals. But be careful, the cure of buds and that of plants in herbal tea cannot be followed at the same time.” warns the naturopath. Start with herbal teas, then gemmotherapy second.

6. Oatmeal

Bet on oatmeal applied to psoriasis patches soothes skin irritations, moisturizes and softens the epidermis. Mix 100 g of oat flour in 5 liters of water, bring to the boil. Once cooled, apply to affected areas. “I’Green clay can be an interesting alternative for its cleansing and absorbent properties in poultice“, indicates the naturopath.

7. Seawater

Salt helps fight infections. It is also used in balneotherapy to fight against psoriasis, especially with Dead Sea salt. To enjoy it at home, “add a big handful of Dead Sea salt to each of your baths, or bathe in the sea“, recommends the expert.

8. Oils (in massage)

Vegetable oils offer significant comfort: they soothe and reduce psoriasis, have a calming and restorative effect:

  • Evening primrose or borage oil (rich in omega 3 which relieves by reducing skin inflammation and repairs the skin.
  • Calendula or St. John’s wort oil for their softening and healing properties

In local application and in addition, applypure aloe vera for an emollient, healing and calming effect.

9. Aleppo soap

To wash yourself : use Aleppo soap. Made from olive oil, bay laurel and soda, this natural soap creates a hydrolipidic film on the skin. It helps reduce skin dryness. “There are also cleansing bars made with Dead Sea salt.“, recommended by our interlocutor.

10. Rosemary essential oil

In application : essential oils (HE) are to be handled with great care. The dosage should be low. Rosemary EO with verbenone helps reduce pain and scaling of the skin. 2 drops are enough in a vegetable oil of calendula, applied to the affected area, 2 to 3 times a day until improvement.” advises the naturopath.

Precautions and contraindications of natural remedies

Medicinal plants have their contraindications:

  • Do not take burdock if you are diabetic or on anti-diabetes treatment (hypoglycemic effect), and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Avoid stinging nettle in case of edema, anticoagulant treatment.
  • Be aware of the possible side effects of sarsaparilla which can cause mild intestinal upset and stomach acidity.
  • Marigold (calendula) is contraindicated for people allergic to Asteraceae.
  • Also pay attention to St. John’s wortit is photo-sensitizing, do not expose yourself to the sun after an application, warns the naturopath.
  • Use suitable body products, and pay attention to compositions that irritate the skin.
  • Managing your emotions by putting into practice a relaxing and soothing technique on a daily basis and/or being accompanied by a psychologist is an essential step in overcoming psoriasis.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours. On the other hand, you should not completely deprive yourself of it. The ultra-violent rays at the beginning or end of the day have an action on the cells responsible for inflammation, and allow the synthesis of vitamin D.

Thanks to Amélie Mounier, certified FENA naturopath, in Vincennes.
