10 effective essential oils against winter ailments

10 effective essential oils against winter ailments

Discover the 10 essential oils (tea tree, thyme, etc.) to always have on hand in winter to chase away viruses, boost your energy and your immune system.

With the onset of winter, seasonal ailments often point the tip of their nose. But did you know that the essential oils can be valuable allies to naturally relieve these little winter worries? Here are the 10 essential oils the most effective in combating the evils of winter and spend a cold season in complete serenity.

1. Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora)

“This camphor tree from Madagascar gives a major essential oil in aromatherapy, says Julien Kaibeck. Well tolerated and very effective on the respiratory sphere, ravintsara is tonic, it would stimulate weakened immunity and would be a powerful antiviral. It would thin the phlegm to free the airways.”

► At the first signs of cold (body aches, heavy head, feeling of fever) rub 4 drops of pure ravintsara HE each morning on the forearms. Alternate with an application on the top of the feet. For 3 or 4 days.

► In case of viral disease (to be checked in consultation with your attending physician) rub the spine with 12 drops of this essential oil, morning and evening for 3 days.

► In case of respiratory problems, cold, stuffy nose, congested bronchiit can be used for diffusion and inhalation: pour 5 drops into a bowl of boiling water and inhale with your head covered with a towel over the bowl, or in an ultrasonic diffuser or water reservoir (20 drops if it is a nebulizing diffuser) “advises the aromatherapist.

Ravintsara EO is not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy, for children under 6 years old. Also not recommended for direct inhalation in people with asthma and for simultaneous oral use with drug treatment.

2. Thujanol thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Thyme thujanol EO does not contain any phenol and is therefore not irritating like thymol thyme. It is more anti-infectious than linalool thyme, and very effective on the ENT sphere, the throat in particular. It is described as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and immunostimulant.

► In case of dry cough, take 1 drop of thujanol thyme EO in 1 teaspoon of honey and let it melt in your throat before swallowing. Repeat 3 times a day until improvement.

► “If the cough is oilyreplace the honey with olive oil” recommend the aromatherapist.

Thyme thujanol essential oil is prohibited during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Avoid during breastfeeding and in children under 3 years old.

3. Eucalyptus radiata (eucalyptus radiata)

“This eucalyptus with lanceolate leaves is that of koalas in Australia. Its essential oil is composed of about 60% eucalyptol and a good proportion of terpene alcohols. This combination is renowned in aromatherapy for fighting against viruses and bacteria. It is effective in case of rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and even flu”says the aromatherapist.

► In case of stuffy nose, pour 2 or 3 drops of radiated eucalyptus EO into an inhaler, bring the water to a simmer and pour into the inhaler. Breathe gently through your nose and mouth, as the nose clears, close your mouth and breathe for long minutes. To do in the evening before sleeping for 3 days.

► “Not recommended for asthmatics, epileptics, pregnant and breastfeeding women, for children under 3 years old“.

4. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Peppermint essential oil is a real coolant when applied in massage (diluted) on a painful area. It has scientifically proven its effectiveness against irritable bowel syndrome, and therefore also on gas and bloating linked to a bowel condition. Its anti-nausea properties, its “antibiotic” agents and natural defense tonics, and as a digestive stimulant make it a good remedy for motion sickness, indigestion, a tired liver or weakening.

In case of bloating, gas and crampsthe oral intake of peppermint EO on neutral tablets, or better, in gastro-resistant capsules – in the form of food supplements or drugs (Tempocol, Colpermin) – relieves.

If the stomach ache and cramps are very presentcombine oral intake with a gentle clockwise massage of the belly and until penetration with the following mixture: 1 drop of peppermint EO + 2 drops of tropical basil EO ( antispasmodic and digestive tonic) + 5 drops of a vegetable (olive or hazelnut).

“The peppermint EO should be handled with great care, reminds the aromatherapist : prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 6, people with high blood pressure or on medication. It is not suitable for gastric reflux or heartburn.

5. The noble laurel (Laurus nobilis)

It is commonly called “laurel-sauce”. Its essential oil has many benefits. It is a general anti-infective and in particular to treat bronchitis, sinusitis, colds and flu. This HE is well suited for diffusion. It has a complementary action on the memory it stimulates and on the concentration it promotes, indicates the aromatherapist.

► Bronchitis, sinusitis, cold, flu : Place in an electric diffuser, or in the water of a fogger, 10 drops of noble laurel HE + 5 drops of peppermint HE + 30 drops of lemon essence. Diffuse in cycles of 10 to 15 minutes.

“Do not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy, or while breastfeeding, or in children under 6 years old“.

6. Lemon (Citrus limonum)

Lemon essential oil actually means liquid, squeezed lemon zest. It is therefore more accurate to call it essence of lemon. “Its virtues are interesting for the digestive sphere (orally) and for the purification of the air (in diffusion). It is therefore an ally of the liver, anti-nausea, and reinforces the natural defenses” explains the aromatherapist.

► In case of digestive disorders, nausea (or motion sickness), slowly breathe in the essence of lemon, your nose above the bottle. Inhale deeply 3 times and exhale through your mouth. If after 5 minutes the nausea is still there, put 1 drop on the index finger and place it under the tongue. Sublingually the effect is rapid, in a quarter of an hour.

► To purify the air in a room, prefer diffusion: 15 drops in an electric diffuser or 5 drops in water from a mister. To be diffused in cycles of 10 to 15 minutes.

“This essence of lemon is very photo-sensitizing and allergenicwarns the aromatherapist. Avoid exposure for at least 8 hours after use. Not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy, to be avoided during breastfeeding, in people on anticoagulant treatment and children under 3 years old.

7. Black spruce (picea mariana)

It is part of the Abiées (firs and pines), it is little known and deserves to be in winter. “Its essential oil is rich in terpenes, like all pines, but its composition is more complex thanks to the significant presence of esters and sesquiterpene alcohols”, indicates the aromatherapist. These molecules explain its use in case of stress, fatigue, eczema or skin and nervous irritations. Its sphere of action is therefore quite broad: respiratory, purification of the air, the bronchi and the ENT sphere, also all applications related to the activity of cortisol and/or adrenaline in the event of fatigue, depression, stress that affects more people in winter.

► In case of fatigue and to tone up the body in the morning, take a shower with black spruce essential oil: 2 drops in the neutral shower gel, breathing in the invigorating and sweet aroma. After the shower, rub the back at the height of the kidneys with 2 drops of this pure HE. Or to do in the evening after an exhausting day to relax.

► In the event of occasional fatigue during the day, inhale the black spruce straight from the bottle for 5 to 10 seconds, at the top of your lungs.

► To prevent colds and flu and boost immunity, favor diffusion in a room: mix in a bottle 70 drops of black spruce EO + 70 drops of ravintsara EO + 35 drops of tea tree. Use 30 to 60 drops in an electric diffuser or ten drops in an atomizer, per cycle of 10 to 15 minutes.

Do not use during the first 3 months of pregnancy, or while breastfeeding, or in children under 6 years old. Skin irritation possible at high doses. The “cortisone-like” action, stimulating on the adrenal glands, the thyroid and slightly the pituitary gland encourages to be wary of its use. Ask a doctor for advice if in doubt.

8. Officinal ginger (Zingiber officinalis)

“This rhizome plant is a must in natural medicine. It is antioxidant, its components make it a reputed digestive tonic, anti-nausea plant, against vomiting (but not in first intention), gastric protector by acting on bacteria, immunostimulant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory (its plant sterols inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins which contribute to inflammation).”

► To digest a heavy meal (during the holidays for example): place 1 drop of ginger essential oil under the tongue to deposit in a teaspoon of liquid honey and let melt in the mouth, to be used very punctually, recommends the aromatherapist.

Ginger essential oil is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in children under 3 years old.

9. The tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Native to Australia, the tea tree is “the healing tree” from the aboriginal tradition. Its essential oil (EO) has become a panacea as its applications are numerous. As aromatherapist Julien Kaibeck explains, “it is reputed to be immunostimulant, antibacterial with a very broad spectrum of action, antifungal, anti-inflammatory”. Very well tolerated by the skin and mucous membranes, it is used, like all essential oils, at low doses.

► In case of angina or sore throat: disperse 2 drops of tea tree EO in 1 teaspoon of honey and let it melt in your mouth. Repeat 3 times a day, for 3 to 4 days.

This essential oil is not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Avoid during breastfeeding and in children under 3 years old.

10. Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)

Plant of the lemongrass family with the smell of rose, geranium and lemongrass, palmarosa gives an essential oil highly concentrated in geraniol and geranyl acetate. “This composition gives it its antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, spasmolytic and uterotonic properties, hence its contraindication during pregnancy” explains the aromatherapist.

► In case of mycosis between the toes, which is common in winter in closed shoes, massage the lesions morning and evening with 1 drop of the mixture: in a 10 ml dropper bottle, pour 75 drops of essential oil of palmarosa and finish filling the bottle with oil of olives. Apply to the finger, for about 4 weeks, advises the aromatherapist.

Do not use in pregnant women (except at the time of childbirth) or breastfeeding. Not recommended for children under 6 years old.

Thanks to Julien Kaibeck, aromatherapist and author of “Better with essential oils” (Editions Leduc.s).
