In this list we give you 10 supposedly harmless children’s films that have turned out to be an absolute nightmare material.
Presumably everyone has had the experience in childhood: it is allowed to watch a film that is considered harmless, since it is a children’s film. You look at the screen and the film starts with anticipation, but something feels strange.
The pictures give you a bad feeling, you are afraid, are frightened, confronted with things that your young brain has not yet wasted.
The official website of the Deutsche FSK (short for voluntary self -control of the film industry) states that it wants to ensure that it wants to ensure that films do not affect the development of children and adolescents or their upbringing to their own personality.
An FSK 6 describes the following:
Keep this information in your head when you read this list. All films that are listed are classified with an age rating of FSK 0 or FSK 6. These 10 films are known for their dark pictures and topics that gave you a few sleepless nights in your childhood:
Image rights of the last unicorn are at Leonine Studios.
The last unicorn is seen today as a timeless fantasy fairy tale that is suitable for families with older children. But for unprepared younger children, the terrifying pictures were almost nightmarish: the ominous visions in which the unicorns flee, the use of creepy music and the monstrous appearance of the red bull and other creatures of the film are just a few things that contribute to this effect.