10 activities to keep kids busy and entertained in the car

10 activities to keep kids busy and entertained in the

Keeping children busy during car journeys is sometimes difficult. So, to avoid crises and moments of boredom, here are 10 fun and original activities that will entertain young and old alike.

THE car journeys, to go on vacation or for the weekend, can sometimes be long for children. Sitting in the back, they tend to get bored quickly. Some also, after hours on the road, can start to cry. For the parents who are at the front, the journey by car then becomes a real journey. So, to avoid these situations which can put a strain on the nerves, it is better to find activities to keep children occupied and entertained. Also remember to take regular breaks in motorway service areas or in towns that have playgrounds so that young and old can let off steam. To travel serenely and in a good mood, here are all our ideas for games for children in the car :

1 – Organize a musical blind test

Depending on the age of your children, select their favorite music or prepare a playlist of the best artists of the moment in advance and play the songs in the car, asking them to find the name of the singer as well as the title of the song as quickly as possible. song. You can also organize thematic blind-tests, on the most beautiful songs from films or cartoons, or on the most famous singers who make the news. And, why not play as a team?

2 – Riddles or jokes for a fun trip

During the trip, make riddles to your children. “I’m red and I’m swimming, am I?” (Answer: a goldfish). Of course, adapt the riddle to your child’s age and tastes too. You will be able to make him guess his favorite game or series character.

Also remember to write down on your phone or on a piece of paper a few funny jokes which will allow you to spend a fun and entertaining time with the children. Since we tend to never remember the jokes that make us die of laughter, Hugo the snail offers a selection of the best jokes that exist:

3 – A visual treasure hunt

Before hitting the road, prepare a visual treasure hunt. To do this, make a list of objects, animals or places that your child is likely to see through the window on the car trip. Give him the list, and each time he finds an object, he must check the box or cross out the corresponding word.

4 – Take nomadic toys in the car

Some magnetic nomadic games are perfectly suited for car journeys. Whether it’s a board game like the game of checkers or small horses, these small format models have the merit of not letting the pawns escape, and are easily carried away.

5 – Invent interactive stories

Does your child have an imagination and love stories? Make up a story together, taking turns. You start a sentence, he adds a second one that is coherent and so on until you form a scenario that is either realistic or totally imaginary.

6 – Prepare DIY activities

If your child likes easy to make craftswhy not provide him with a small box with all the necessary material so that he can make a bracelet, an origami animal, a small car to make out of cardboard, or a knitting pattern.

7 – Make him listen to a podcast or a story

Audio stories and podcasts can be easily listened to by a child in a car. You can take his story box, and his headphones (or buy him one if he doesn’t have one), or you can also go to a listening platform to download a podcast suitable for his age. There are a multitude of thematic podcasts, dedicated to the youngest.

8 – Take a short oral baccalaureate

Prepare sheets of small tray and invite your child to play it. First, you recite the alphabet in your head, your child stops you at some point, you say the letter on which he fell and the game can begin. To animate the game a little more, you can use a stopwatch : 20 seconds to find the name of a trade in “V”, 15 seconds to find the name of a vegetable in “P”, etc.

9 – Game of colors

THE color game is simple: choose a color and ask your child to name everything he sees of that color during the car journey. You opt for the color red, it can refer to a “red car”, a “red stop sign”, a “red shed”, etc.

10 – Test your child’s memory

To test a child’s memory, there’s nothing like a game: you start a sentence, “I’m on my way to vacation…”, and each player completes the beginning of this sentence by adding a group of words . The challenge is to remember in order all the elements that have been added to the sentence. Whoever makes a mistake loses!
