1 million admissions in France and a worldwide box office that is a hit

1 million admissions in France and a worldwide box office

A few days ago, we took stock of French admissions for the film The Batman, which had more than 257,000 admissions just for Wednesday March 2, its launch day. A great performance which placed the Warner Bros feature film at the top of the 2022 ranking for being the best launch of the year, ahead of a certain Uncharted, yet considered a big success on its side. Since then, the weekend has passed, the film has been released on American screens (but also in 73 other countries) and the box office has started to shake. With 248.5 million dollars in revenue worldwide, nothing for its first weekend, The Batman is a real hit and the 2nd best start during the pandemic, the first being Spider-Man No Way Home with 260 million dollars. Matt Reeves’ film is therefore just behind, knowing that its duration of nearly 3 hours reduces the number of screenings per day, which is a handicap somewhere.

In France, the number of spectators also soared and the weekend was a lifesaver for The Batman, which has already crossed the threshold of one million spectators, 1,033,663 to be precise. For comparison, still on French territory, it’s better than “The Dark Knight” and “Batman v Superman”. Matt Reeves’ film thus does better than “The Dark Knight” with its 1,001,016 tickets sold and “Batman v Superman” which had generated 1,008,407 ticket sales. That said, “The Batman” Robert Pattison version did less than Joaquin Phoenix’s “Joker” which drew 1,357,118 viewers after the first weekend, while “The Dark Knight Rises posted 1,458,710 admissions at the It remains to be seen whether this fine performance will be maintained over the next few weeks, and it is above all word of mouth that allows a film to last the longest over the long term…

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