1 in 3 French people refuse to travel – and it’s not a question of money

1 in 3 French people refuse to travel and

If the lack of financial means remains one of the main obstacles to travel, many French people deprive themselves of going on vacation for a rather unexpected reason.

Have you ever not wanted to go on vacation? Most certainly, since the lack of budget is one of the main reasons why the French deprive themselves of traveling. In 2022, “46% of people aged 15 or over who have not left cite a lack of money for leaving” specifies a INSEE study entitled “Which French people travel” published on October 19, 2023. This therefore means that 53% of French people refuse to travel for reasons other than the financial aspect.

Certain factors are nevertheless obvious, such as not wanting to leave for health reasons (hospitalization, difficulty traveling), a reason which concerns 24% of those questioned. 13% of respondents also mention lack of time for professional reasons, or due to studies, and 12% do not leave due to lack of time, due to family constraints. “For three out of ten people, there are multiple reasons for not leaving, and it is the accumulation of obstacles that prevents them from traveling” specifies the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. But one of the reasons why the French refuse to go on leave is rather unexpected.

In fact, 30% of people do not travel, quite simply because they do not want to. Some say they have a lack of interest in traveling, others don’t necessarily want to go every year. Furthermore, some people would like to go, but not being in a relationship, do not necessarily want to travel alone. “I often have the budget to go abroad, but I haven’t yet had the courage to travel solo. My friends are couples or mothers, and I don’t want to feel like I’m too much by joining their family trip.” tells us Marion, aged 32, who until now organized a few weeks of vacation with one of her single friends. Finally, among the other reasons given: these French people who don’t really feel the need to go anywhere other than home, since they already live in a tourist area and feel good there.
