Community Day with Chaneira takes place today in Pokémon GO. In the shop you can get the 1 euro ticket “Jubel, Hustle, Hilarity”, which you can use to unlock special research. We’ll show you the content.
What kind of ticket is this? For every Community Day in Pokémon GO there is an optional ticket that you can buy in the shop. This costs 0.99 euros and gives you special research that revolves around the respective event Pokémon. In February 2024, Community Day will focus on Chaneira.
In this country, Community Day doesn’t start until 2:00 p.m. local time, but since players in other parts of the world have already been able to take part in research due to the time difference, the tasks and rewards are already known and are being shared on Reddit, for example.
We summarize all the steps and rewards for you here so that you can more easily decide whether the ticket is for you.
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Special research “Cheer, hustle and bustle” with Chaneira at Community Day 1/4
Tier reward: After completing this step, you will receive the following rewards:
“Cheers, hustle and bustle” with Chaneira at Community Day 2/4
Tier reward: After completing this step, you will receive the following rewards:
“Cheers, hustle and bustle” with Chaneira at Community Day 3/4
Tier reward: After completing this step, you will receive the following rewards:
“Cheers, hustle and bustle” with Chaneira at Community Day 4/4
Tier reward: After completing this step, you will receive the following rewards:
Is the ticket worth it?
This is what you need to know: Completing the research will give you additional encounters with Chaneira and Heiteira as well as enough candies to develop and level up. However, you can also get it if you play Community Day extensively and catch a lot of Chaneira.
The items in the research, such as smoke, rocket radar and incubator, exceed the monetary value of the ticket purchase price if you buy the items individually in the shop, plus the various other bonuses such as balls, XP and stardust. If you wanted to buy items with money anyway, the ticket is worth it. However, you can also buy the individual items with earned coins, but not the ticket.
Want to know what else is going on in the game? Then you can find all the events in Pokémon GO in February 2024 here.