The Provincial Government Pledged More Than $ 1.8 million to Create Emergency Shelter Spaces and Affordable Housing in Perth-Wellington.

The Provincial Government has pledged More Than $ 1.8 million to Create Emergency Shelter Spaces and Affordable Housing Units that Will Provid Vulnerable People in Perth-Wellington With Appropriat Short -and Long-Term Housing Options.
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As part of a flurry of pre-election provincial funding announcements, Perth-Wellington MPP MPP Matthew Rae Said 70 per cent of the PROMISED $ 1,866,482 will support Wellington County Projects While The City of Stratford’s Out of the Cold Program Will Receive $ 300,000 Spaces.
“Our provincial government is focused on enseuring Every Ontarian can access to home they can afford,” rae said in a media release. “This Funding Will Assist Local Municipalitites and Community Organizations in Getting Shovels in the Ground on these affordable housing Projects. Our government will be there to support the most vulnerable in our society. ”
Stratford Mayor Martin Ritsma Thanked Rae and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing “For Their Support in Addressing Homelessness in our local community.”
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The Provincial Government Also Said It Will Provide The Local United Way with $ 200,000 for its music Hall Apartments Project in Listowel.
“The Funds Will Help United Housing Renovate An Underutilized Second-Storey Space in Downtown Listowel, Creating 10 New Mixed-Income Units Helping Us All Address the Housing Crisis,” United Way Perth Huron Executive Director Ryan Erb Said.
Twelve supportive Stratford Housing Units Will Be Funded with a $ 42.473 Grant.
“These funds will not only provide Immored Relief for Those Individuals Living Unsheltered, but also pave the way to add the need of supportive housing within our community,” Said Kim Mcelroy, The City of Stratford’s Director of Social Services. “We are apprenticeship and look forward to collaborating Further with the province to ensure that everyone has a safe and stable place to call home.”
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The Province is working with local service managers to direct funding into communities where the neded most. The Intent is to help municipalities and other project partners Create More Emergency Shelter and Affordable Housing Spaces To Help Vulnerable People Move Out Of Crisis Situations and Into Stable Accode.
Funding across Ontario include:
- $ 50 million for ready-to-build affordable housing projects, allocated based on how close a project is to complete and its value for money, to help project near completion but in need of additional targeted funding open their doors faster;
- $ 20 million to expand shelter Capacity and CREATE Additional Temporal accommodation space;
- $ 5.5 million to top up the canada-wetario housing benefit (COHB) to Immodely Free up Emergency Shelter Spaces for People Living in By Helping People Living in Shelters Move Into Longer-Term Housing. This Funding Builds on the Nearly $ 400 million Invested in Cohb Between 2023 and 2024.
“Our government has delivered significant support to municipalities to address the challenges can poses to public safety across ontario,” minister of municipal affairs and housing Paul Calandra Said, “Mayors have asked us for Additional Help, and we have been clear that we will we Provide Funding to Municipalities That Show Results in Winding Down these sites. We can no long accepted Encampments as a place to deal with mental health and addiction. ”