01Hebdo #344: Meta, Dogami … heading for the metaverse

01Hebdo 344 Meta Dogami … heading for the metaverse

Sony unveiled its new VR2 headset earlier this week, without announcing its price. For its part, Meta made some announcements during its virtual event Inside the Lab, particularly in terms of AI. It is now possible to like an Instagram story or create reels on Facebook. Oppo presented its new smartphone, the Find X5 Pro. It will be marketed from March 24. Next week will be the MWC in Barcelona, ​​and we will be there to bring you the event.

Dogami, the game to breed dogs in the petavers

While the metaverse is just beginning to make itself known, it’s the turn of the metaverse to find a place for itself thanks to Dogami. This is a video game in which you have to take care of a dog in NFT. Dogami brings together Tamagotchi and Pokémon GO in the same universe, all marked by the blockchain. Bilal El Alamy, its co-founder, explains his concept to us.

Smart investing with Sitowie

Anticipating risks and the aging of buildings is the concept of the start-up Sitowie. The idea is to propose viable and long-lasting solutions to better rethink your budget. Pauline Koch, its founder, tells us about it in more detail. It’s your Tech Care appointment with Orange.

Forget NFTs

Consuming NFTs is like buying “wind”. Although fashionable, these non-fungible tokens are insecure and do not guarantee authentication of the artwork you are purchasing. Gilbert Kallenborn, journalist at 01net.com, reveals the flaws of NFTs and the reasons why you should not get them.

Apps that help you learn a language quickly

If you also want to become a polyglot like reporter Philip Crowther, look no further, we have the solution. Margot Duchesne, journalist at 01TV, has unearthed three applications that will help you take the leap: Busuu, Memrise and Quizlet. It’s your turn !

To close this show, make way for the Kickstarter selection of Jordan Caucino, community manager at 01net.com. On the program this week: Emerge Home, Watalk and Pallate.
